Vegetables List & Recipes

Find Vegetables List with Urdu & English meaning. We offer an updated glossary of Vegetables and also provide details like prices, recipes & cooking ingredients, usage tips, calories chat and their numerous benefits. Explore the comprehensive Vegetables glossary now available at your fingertips, and learn how to create these delectable recipes in your own kitchen. Let your taste buds embark on a flavorful journey. Visit for discover Vegetables in Pakistan and elevate your cooking experience.

Reviews & Comments

Shimla Mirch (bell pepper) is a colorful addition to my dishes, bringing a crisp texture and sweet, tangy flavor that enhances stir-fries and salads. Its vibrant hues and fresh taste make it a kitchen favorite for adding both visual appeal and taste to my meals.

  • Noreen, Multan

Bharay howay karelay are the best dish it's healthy and delicious at the same time fully recommended

  • Khulood, Multan

Nice Vegetable if you want to maintain your health keep posting it

  • Bisma, Islamabad