Yam: (shakarkand)

Yam meaning in Urdu is shakarkand and is a tropical Vegetables celebrated for its unique flavor and color. In Urdu, Yam "shakarkand" is referred to as "شکرقند" This delicious Vegetables is cherished for its nutritional value and versatility in culinary delights.

Yam Also Known asSuran.Creamy or firm when cooked, yams have an earthy, hardy taste and usually a minimal amount of sweetness. There are approximately 200 different varieties of yams with flesh colors varying from white to ivory to yellow to purple while their thick skin comes in white, pink or brownish-black. . It is a hearty tuber that does not have the sweeter taste of a sweet potato, but instead may have flavors that range from bland to earthy, slightly smoky in taste, or nutty and only moderately sweet. The shape of the yam can be oblong, tapered or round with a thick outer skin that is dark brown and bark-like, ranging from smooth to shaggy in appearance. Their dense flesh can be an off-white color to pale yellow or slightly pinkish orange with a very starchy texture. There is great confusion between yams and sweet potatoes in the United States; most of the vegetables labeled "yams" in the markets are really orange-colored sweet potatoes.

Yam meaning in Urdu:

Yam known in Pakistan and India as shakarkand, and it's meaning in Urdu is "شکرقند". Where English translation of shakarkand is Yam.

shakarkand meaning in English

The word shakarkand meaning in English is "Yam", Words often carry multiple meanings in English but the accurate translation of "shakarkand" is "Yam" In Urdu, it is written as "شکرقند". Similar words to "shakarkand" are often used in everyday conversations.

Yam Price :

The price of Yam (shakarkand) may vary depending on the brand and quantity.

Frequently Asked Questions on Yam

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Yam:

What is meaning of Yam in Urdu?

Yam Meanings in Urdu is known as "شکرقند".

What is shakarkand meaning in English?

shakarkand in English is "Yam".

What is the price of Yam?

The price of Yam may vary depending on the brand and quantity.

How should Yam be stored?

Yam should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. This helps maintain their freshness and prevents them from becoming stale.

Yam Recipes
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Ghazia, Dubai
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