If you like pineapple, you would also like the recipe range of pineapples. There are thousands of desserts and sweets made using pineapple slices. Pineapple cakes, pineapple ice creams, pineapple custards and sweets and many other kinds of desserts are common recipes from the sweet yellow fruit. It has a wide application in sweet desserts especially cakes and custards. At some places it is also used in cooking. Since pineapples have been being used in foods for long times, yet, there is a large number of recipes from this tropical fruit have been devised.
Make drink of it or prepare a pineapple crush, salsa or meatballs, there is a world. Let us mention some of the famous recipes.
Famous Pineapple Recipes
A Word About Pineapples
Pineapple is rough-skinned, spiky-crowned, tropical fruit with a fragrant sweet-sour flesh. Pineapple is rich of superb sweet taste with a very pleasant fragrance. Adding pineapples to your foods results in versatile dining options, new eras of tastes and wonderful unforgettable experience. Pineapple recipes are uncommon, unique and perfect to have as desserts. When pineapples are going to flavor your dessert, it is understood that the outcome is astonishing. Aside being a tasteful fruit, Pineapple is fully enriched with Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Manganese, Copper and Fiber. Pineapples come in the mid of winter however sliced tin-preserved pineapples are available throughout the year. Pineapples can be cut at home but making it's round slices require a special kind of cutting equipment.
You will definitely enjoy pineapples the different way. Here are more recipes from the sweet-sour yellow flesh.
Pineapple is a sweet juicy fruit and most people think that they can only make pineapple cake, pineapple salad or some kind of dessert but let us tell you that even pineapple is a fruit, it can be used to make spicy main course foods as well. You can make pineapple chutney, pineapple chicken and pineapple meatballs as well. Explore all the recipes for this delicious fruit here as presented by KFoods.com.