Green Peppers Stuffed With Potato (Aloo Mirchi)
Find easy and simple Green Peppers Stuffed With Potato (Aloo Mirchi) Recipe with a fusion of traditional and contemporary flavors. Green Peppers Stuffed With Potato (Aloo Mirchi) is a common dish to find in Indian Recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Green Peppers Stuffed With Potato (Aloo Mirchi) recipe with available user-friendly instructions in English Recipes.
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• 4 large green peppers
• 4 large potatoes
• 2 tomatoes
• 2 medium-sized onions
• oil for frying
• 1 tablespoon chopped peanuts
• 1 teaspoon chilli powder
• ½ teaspoon garam masala
• ½ teaspoon ground cummin seeds
• 1 teaspoon pomegranate seeds (optional) salt to taste
• 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese
How to make Green Peppers Stuffed With Potato (Aloo Mirchi)
Halve the peppers lengthways and remove pith and seeds. Dip in boiling water for a minute to soften. Set aside. Boil the potatoes, peel and mash coarsely. Chop tomatoes and slice onions. Heat some oil in a pan and fry the onions till translucent. Add toma¬toes and nuts and fry for a minute. Put in the spices and salt to taste and cook for five minutes. Add the potatoes and fry for five minutes. Stuff the potato mixture into the halved peppers. Sprinkle the cheese on top. Grill for 10 minutes.
Note: Preparation time 15 minutes, Cooking time 45minutes, To .serve 4
Posted By:
jasmeen, Lahore