Rice Flour Pudding (Phirni)

Find easy and simple Rice Flour Pudding (Phirni) Recipe with a fusion of traditional and contemporary flavors. Rice Flour Pudding (Phirni) is a common dish to find in Indian Recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Rice Flour Pudding (Phirni) recipe with available user-friendly instructions in English Recipes.

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1 ½ pints (U.S. 31 cups) milk
1 ½ oz. rice flour
4 oz. sugar
1 teaspoon rose water
½ oz. each almonds and
Pistachios blanched and shredded
1 dessertspoon raisins
blanched almonds
How to make Rice Flour Pudding (Phirni)


Bring milk to boil. Add rice flour and cook gently on a medium heat stirring frequently, till mixture thickens to creamy consistency. Add sugar dissolve and cook till mixture thickens again. Cool, add rose water, raisins, almonds and pistachios. Serve in a bowl or individual glasses. Decorate with the almonds.

Note: Cooking time 35-40 minutes, To serve 4
Posted By: jasmeen, Karachi

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