Nutty Rice Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Nutty Rice recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Nutty Rice recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Rice, Biryani, & Pulao recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Nutty Rice recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Nutty Rice
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نٹی رائس
سیلا چاول ۔۔ آدھا کلو
گھی ۔۔ آدھا کپ
کیریمل سیرپ ۔۔ 4/3 کپ
کشمش ۔۔ چار کھانے کے چمچ
لیموں کا رس ۔۔ چار کھانے کے چمچ
بادام، پستہ ۔۔ دو کھانے کے چمچ
اورنج پیل ۔۔ دو کھانے کے چمچ
چھوٹی الایچی ۔۔ چھ سے آٹھ عدد
گھی گرم کے میوہ فرائی کرلیں۔ اب اس میں لیموں کا رس، کیریمل سیرپ اور چاول شامل کر کے پانچ منٹ تک دم پر چھوڑ دیں۔ سرونگ ڈش میں نکالیں اور سرو کریں۔
Chef Samina Jalil,Posted By: Bushra jawed,

Find out the Nutty Rice Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Rice, Biryani, & Pulao. Nutty Rice is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Nutty Rice and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Nutty Rice

Nutty Rice in Urdu is an easy and traditional cooking recipe to prepare at home. It provides you an awesome taste of Rice, Biryani, & Pulao by Chef Samina Jalil.

Reviews & Comments

Nice to find out so many things that I like to eat such as Nutty Rice recipe and many other rice recipes that are worth making at home. I appreciate the recipes here and return back here to find out more recipes of my choice.

  • Jaalib, Rawalpindi