Custard Apple meaning in Urdu is Shareefa and is a tropical Fruits celebrated for its unique flavor and color. In Urdu, Custard Apple "Shareefa" is referred to as "شریفہ" This delicious Fruits is cherished for its nutritional value and versatility in culinary delights.
The fruit of a small deciduous or semi evergreen tree, this native to the tropics is gaining importance in South East Asia, Africa, India etc. The fruits are usually heart shaped or oblong and maybe that is why they are also called Bull's Heart. The fruits are picked before they are ripe. When ripe, the fruit is yellow or brown. The flesh is white and creamy with a sugary taste. Custard apples are packed with vitamin C, an antioxidant that can combat the free radicals in the body. The fruit also has vitamin A, which is good for healthy skin, better vision and for healthy hair. The magnesium in custard apples can protect the heart from cardiac diseases and can relax the muscles. Custard apples are an excellent source of copper. Copper is a trace mineral that helps are body form hemoglobin. When a woman doesn’t have enough copper in her system, there is an increased risk that her child will be born early.
Custard Apple known in Pakistan and India as Shareefa, and it's meaning in Urdu is "شریفہ". Where English translation of Shareefa is Custard Apple.
The word Shareefa meaning in English is "Custard Apple", Words often carry multiple meanings in English but the accurate translation of "Shareefa" is "Custard Apple" In Urdu, it is written as "شریفہ". Similar words to "Shareefa" are often used in everyday conversations.
The price of Custard Apple (Shareefa) may vary depending on the brand and quantity.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Custard Apple:
Custard Apple Meanings in Urdu is known as "شریفہ".
Shareefa in English is "Custard Apple".
The price of Custard Apple may vary depending on the brand and quantity.
Custard Apple should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. This helps maintain their freshness and prevents them from becoming stale.
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