Rasmalai Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Rasmalai recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Rasmalai recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Eid Special recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Rasmalai recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

chef Recommended By Chef
time-clock 0:10 To Prep
time-clock 0:25 To Cook
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Rasmalai vidhi

• Doodh 4 Cup
• Cheeni 1 cup
• Elaichi Peese hoe 4 Cup
• Khusk Doodh 1 Cup
• Maida Dair Chamach
• Baking Powder Ek Chamach
• Ek Anda
• Pista Kata hova (Thora sa)

Banane ki tarkeeb

1. Sabsy Pehly 4 cup doodh main ek cup cheeni or 4 peese hoe elaichi daal kar pakny dain.
2. Ek cup khushk doodh ko chan len or esmain maida or baking powder milain.
3. En sab ko mix kar k es main ek chamach ghee dalen Or haton sy achi terha milain.
4. Phr esmain anda shamil Karen or dobarah achi terha mix krlen.
5. Phr eske choti choti ras malaiyan banain.
6. Ab enhy pakty hoe doodh main daal den or 3 sy 4 mints tak pakain.
7. Jab doodh ubalny lagy to ek dafa hila den or tayar hony par utar len. Thanda hony pa pista cherak kay paish Karen.
رس ملائ
دودھ- چار کپ
چینی۔ ایک کپ
الائچی(پسی ھوئی)۔ چار
خشک دودھ ۔ ایک کپ
میدہ ۔ ڈیڑھ چائے کا چمچ
بیکنگ پاوڈر۔ ایک چائے کا چمچ
انڈہ۔ ایک عدد
پستہ(کٹا ھوا)۔ تھوڑا سا
سب سے پھلے چار کپ دودھ میں ایک کپ چینی اور چار پسی الائچی ڈال کر پکنے دیں۔ ایک کپ خشک دودھ کو چھان لیں اور اس میں میدھ اور بیکنگ پاوڈر ملائیں۔ ان سب کو مکس کر کے ان میں ایک چمچ گھی ڈالیں اور ھاتھوں سے اچھی طرح ملیں۔ پھر ان میں انڈہ شامل کریں اور اسے دوبارہ اچھی طرح مکس کر لیں۔ پھر اس کی چھوٹی چھوٹی رس ملائیاں بنائیے۔ اب انھیں پکتے ھوئے دودھ میں ڈال دیں اور تین سے چار منٹ تک پکائیں۔ جب دودھ ابلنے لگے تو ایک دفع ھلا دیں۔ ھلکی آنچ پر پکائیں اور تیار ھونے پر اتار لیں۔ ٹھنڈا ھونے پر پستہ چھڑک کر پیش کریں۔
Posted By: ~Sani~, karachi

Find out the Rasmalai Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Eid Special. Rasmalai is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Rasmalai and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.


Rasmalai recipe is an amazingly delightful and delicious dessert item eaten after meals or even in the evening as a snack and is found on almost any sweetmeat shop or a bakery as well. Rasmalai recipe is one such sweet dish that is loved by each and every member of the family including children, adults, and elders. And not only this, Rasmalai recipe is a high protein rich food item that is rich in energy and carbohydrates as well. So Rasmalai recipe is not only a sweet dish, it is also an amazing nutrient-rich and high energy food item. You can also sprinkle powdered or crushed dry fruits including almonds, pistachios, apricots and serve as a dessert. Rasmalai recipe is one of the most popular and favourite dessert for the people of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. However, Rasmalai originally belongs to the Indian subcontinent from Bengal. The word ras malai originally comes from the combination of two words ras which means juice and malai which means cream.

How to Make Rasmalai Recipe (Summarized Method):

  • First cook 4 cup milk with one cup sugar and 4 ground cardamom pods.
  • Sift one cup dry milk and mix with flour and baking powder.
  • Add one spoon ghee to the mixture and rub with hands.
  • Add egg and mix again.
  • Now make small balls with your palms.
  • Add balls to cooking milk pan and cook for 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Once milk starts boiling, stir the pan.
  • Cook more on mild flame and until cooked fully.
  • Remove from stove and cool, sprinkle pistachios and serve.

Rasmalai is an Asian sweet dessert which belongs to Bengal Cuisine. Rasmalai is a very refreshing and cool sweet popular in the whole South Asia mainly Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Here we will learn Pakistani Rasmalai Recipe offered by KFoods.com.

Ras Malai, Rasmalai or Rosh Malai is also very famous in the world. Desi community throughout the world arranges gatherings to remember and revive the desi traditions of their native countries where rasmalai and other Pakistani Indian foods are presented.

The term Ras Malai is a combination of two Urdu words, Ras and Malai. Ras means "Juice" and Malai means "Cream". It is dessert course recipe, equally famous in many South Asian countries. Recipe of Ras malai include Paneer (cheese), Malai (cream), Cheeni (sugar) and Sooji (semolina). Paneer made rasgulle are soaked in malai syrup, eaten with spoon. Biting it leaves the refreshing juicy creamy syrup which doubles the joys of enjoying a sweet dessert.

Ras malai is also known as 'rossomalai'. As it started gaining popularity, chefs looked for new ways to make this sweet. Lately, there were different methods introduced to prepare recipe of rasmalai. A new style of making it was to using milk powder instead of plain milk and this was successful. This method got popular as and now many popular chefs recommend using milk powder while making rasmalai.

If you like more sweets, consider making rasgulla recipe by KFoods.

Related Resources:
How to Make Rasmalai Recipe (Step by Step in English and Urdu)

مزید عید اسپیشل ریسیپیز
  • rassmalai dessert
  • simple rasmalaye dish
  • how to make rasmalai
Reviews & Comments

Rasmalai very tasty recipe with some health benefits which we want for our family members and this is so goo of all time to make it

  • Tanveer,

This is so delicious, sweet and favorite dish of me the Rasmalai that we simple make that from this method at home for our family

  • Ayaman Khan ,

My mom cherishes this Rasmalai recipe especially so I made it for her. She giving idea it and he was so glad to see my endeavors for him. thanks you so much particularly to share the recipe.

  • rehma,

Everyone before me has basically said it all. I just want to thank you for such a simplistic but completely perfect recipe!

  • Bano, Karachi

This recipe for rasmalai was super easy. I just added a little saffron to it also to make it tastier.

  • Binish, Khanewal