Motichoor laddu Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Motichoor laddu recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Motichoor laddu recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Riwaiti Mithaiyan recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Motichoor laddu recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Motichoor laddu
chef Recommended By Chef
time-clock 00:10 To Prep
time-clock 00:30 To Cook
15 Servings
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موتی چور کے لڈو
بیسن ایک پاؤ
چینی ایک پاؤ
گھی ایک پاؤ
عرق گلاب آدھی چھٹانک
زعفران چار ماشہ پسی ہوئی
بیسن کو گاڑھا سا پھینٹ لیں۔ اس میں زعفران اور عرق گلاب ملا کر لڈو بنا لیں۔ چینی میں آدھ پاؤ پانی ڈال کر شیرہ پکا لیں۔ فرائنگ پین میں گھی کو خوب گرم
کر یں اور لڈو ڈال کر تلتے جائیں اور ساتھ ہی ساتھ تیار شدہ شیرے میں ڈالتے رہیں۔ گھنٹہ بھر پڑا رہنے دیں۔ شیرہ جذب ہو جائے گا اور ذائقے دار لڈو تیار ہوں گے۔
Posted By: Afsha, karachi

Find out the Motichoor laddu Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Riwaiti Mithaiyan. Motichoor laddu is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Motichoor laddu and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Motichoor laddu

Motichoor laddu recipe or motichur Ladoo is a round-shaped dessert that is made from besan which is combined with other ingredients to form fine, small sweet balls. Chickpea flour is fried in either ghee or oil, and then soaked in sweet sugary syrup and then finally topped with chickpeas. Then, these sweet pearl-like balls are rolled or rounded into balls called laddus. The word 'motichoor' literally translates to crushed pearls, which is a very suitable name for the sweet dessert. The motichoor laddu recipe originates from India and is associated with Indian states like Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. The best part about this sweet dessert is that these ladoos are also very easy to store, even in torrid temperatures and can stay preserved for days. This is why many states in the past preferred this laddu due to its ever-lasting ability.

Motichoor ke laddu is round-shaped ladoo which is very popular in Pakistan. It is often served at wedding and engagements as well as various occasions that are related to joys and merriments.

When people visit their relatives-in-law after confirmation of the relationship, they especially get hampers of moti choor ladoo prepared on order and gift it to relatives as a tradition. You can also make these laddos yourself with the help of recipe offered here by

What is Motichoor Laddoo Made Of?

Motichoor laddos are made with boondi which is made with gram flour (besan). Flour is fried in ghee and then brought to boil in sugared water. Then with this paste round shaped laddo are formed.

This laddo is a popular sweet in Pakistan. It is the traditional sweet to be served on merriment occasions. Now with the help of recipe, you can make it at home too.

مزید روایتی مٹھائیاں ریسیپیز
  • mooti chor ladoo
  • motichur lado
Reviews & Comments

I have tried several ladoo recipes and this one is the best by far. It is so good that a Pakistani bride recently asked me to make the ladoo for her mehendi rasam. Really amazing.

  • Faiza, Karachi

I just love motichoor laddu. This is a must try recipe.. for a festive season. I made this and it is a great hit. Thank you for this recipe.

  • Bano, Rohri

I just love moti choor ladoo.. This is a must try recipe.. for the festive season. I made this and it is a great hit. Thank you for this recipe.

  • Tayyaba, Saudia

Motichoor ladoo are among the most tastiest sweets that I have ever come across. The color, the taste and the shape is amazing.

  • Fatimah Arshad, karachi

Motichoor laddu is a very special and tasty sweet. It is most famous in Pakistan. Many people like this Motichoor laddu very much. Through your help, i prepare this Motichoor laddu in home in very delicious taste. And enjoyed very well with family. Thank you...

  • Dawood, Khanewal