Flat Tummy with Ginger Drink

Ginger is a plant root that is used as a spice or herb for medicine all over the world. Ginger roots have strong anti-bacterial properties and are used to treat diseases. However, there are many other ginger benefits that are extremely useful in terms of weight loss. For example, ginger helps in losing weight and in the digestion of food. While it is sometimes hard to lose weight even with tiring exercise plans, sometimes it’s because of slow metabolism. This is why ginger powder for weight loss is a perfect treat to increase metabolism and enhance the digestion process. Flat Tummy with Ginger Drink Recipe is an extremely easy and quick recipe that helps in easily losing weight, and can be prepared at the comfort of your home.
Ginger benefits for weight loss are too many to count. For example, ginger tea for weight loss helps in lowering cholesterol, burns extra fat, speeds up your metabolism by enhancing the digestive system, and reduces the risk of getting heart attack or stroke. Ginger for weight loss recipe also includes chromium, magnesium, and zinc which boosts the immune system and helps your body gain more energy. Ginger for weight loss can be also taken in different ways, such as ginger tea, ginger powder in vegetable soup, and ginger and lemon tea. Ginger for weight loss also provides anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory elements that are extremely useful for the body. Try this recipe daily and feel the difference in body functions as well as weight loss.

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Many men, women, weight is not reduced but remains waist belly is hanging low. If used continuously for a few days following the recipe itself, God willing you will be surprised that your stomach is feeling the waist and slim and smart beautiful and charming saddened.

The following components are needed to make this recipe:
Ginger ……………………………. Small piece
Mint ………………………………. Small leaf
Water ……………………………. 1 Glass
Lemon …………………………… As per taste
How to make Flat Tummy with Ginger Drink


Add a kettle on the stove, add 1 glass of water and cook until heated.
Then add 1 piece of ginger, mint leaf and lemon as per taste. Cook until the water slimmer down.
Add more ginger pieces to the mixture and close the stove.
Let the solution cool down.
When cooled, fill in a bowl and add lime water as per taste.

The key of losing weight is to drink this beverage daily and see the results in 15-20 days!

پیٹ کم کرنے والی چائے
بہت سارے مردوزن کا وزن تو کم ہوجاتا ہے لیکن پیٹ لٹکتا رہتا ہے کمر کم نہیں ہوتی ہے ۔ اگر درج نسخہ ذیل مسلسل کچھ دن استعمال کیا جائے تو انشاء اللہ آپ خود حیران ہوجائیں گے کہ آپ کا پیٹ کمر کے ساتھ لگ گیا ہے اور سلم اور سمارٹ خوبصورت اور دلکش دکھ رہے ہیں ۔

اس نسخہ کو بنانے کے لئے درج ذیل اجزاء درکار ہیں

ادرک ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔چھوٹا ٹکڑا
پودینہ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔تھوڑا
پانی ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ایک گلاس
لیموں ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔حسب منشا

بنانے کا طریقہ
ایک پتیلی میں پانی شامل کرکے اچھی طرح گرم کریں
ادرک کا ٹکڑا شامل کرکے مزید پانچ تک پکائیں
چولہا بند کردیں اور پودینہ شامل کرکے ڈھک دیں
چھان کر کسی پیالی میں نکال لیں
تھوڑا سا لیموں شامل کریں

استعمال کا طریقہ
روزانہ اس قہوہ پئیں
انشاء اللہ پندرہ سے بیس دنوں میں ناقابل یقین آپ کے سامنے

Posted By: Muqarrab, Karachi

Check out the tastiest Flat Tummy with Ginger Drink recipe only at kfoods. Find Diet Foods & all the recipes of all the chefs. Flat Tummy with Ginger Drink is famous for its best and unmatchable taste. Also you can check Flat Tummy with Ginger Drink. recipe in Urdu only at kfoods.com

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