Um e Ali

Find easy and simple Um e Ali Recipe with a fusion of traditional and contemporary flavors. Um e Ali is a common dish to find in Cake Recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Um e Ali recipe with available user-friendly instructions in English Recipes.

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Baqarkhani 150 gram
Milk 2 cups
Sugar 4 tbsp
Almonds (Crushed) 56 gram
Walnuts (Crushed) 56 gram
Raisins 56 grams
Desiccated coconut 28 gram
Cream (whipped) 1 cup

How to make Um e Ali


Heat milk , add sugar .cook till sugar dissolve ; once dissolved, remove from flame.
Break baqarkhanis and spread in a pyrex dish.
Layer with almonds, walnuts, raisins, desiccated coconut and milk, finally adding cream
Bake fish in pre-heated oven at 180 C for 25 minutes and remove
Posted By: submal, karachi

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