Kali Mirch Ki Karahi Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Kali Mirch Ki Karahi recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Kali Mirch Ki Karahi recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Special Pakistani Dishes recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Kali Mirch Ki Karahi recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Kali Mirch Ki Karahi
chef Recommended By Chef
time-clock 0:10 To Prep
time-clock 0:20 To Cook
As Desired Servings
Tips About Recipe

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Kali Mirch Ki Karahi vidhi

• Chiken ……..500 gram
Lemon ka rus ……2 – 3 khane k chamchy
• Hari mirch ……….3 – 5 adad
• Hari payz k paty …….2-3 khany k chamchy
• Hara dhanya ……….2 khane k chamcy
• Naan …….serving k liay
• Dahi …….1 cup
• Adrak , lehson past ……2 table spoon
• Gram masala powder ……1 Tea spoon
• Nemak ……..As tast
• Kuti kali mirch ………1 table spoon
• Tail ……….2 table spoon
• Makhan ……..4 table spoon
• Bhuna , kuta zeera ……….1 Tea spoon
Cream ………1/2 cup
• KOila ……1 tukra

Banane ki tarkeeb

• Aik pan main tail garam kr k chiken k tukry dalain
• Sath hi adrak lehson ka past shamil kr k 5 se 6 mints tk fry krain.
• Phr is main kuti kali mirch , bhuna zeera , nemak aur dahi dal kr halki anch per pakain , itna k pani khushk ho jay.
• Ab garam masala powder , hari mirch , hara dhanya , lemon ka rus aur cream shamil kr k 2 se 3 mints tk pakne dain.
• Akhir main koily ka dhuan lagain.
• Serving dish main nikalain , uper se kuti kali mirch chirkain aur cream lagain.
• Naan aur chapatti k sath serve krain.
کالی مرچ کی کڑاہی
چکن-------------------------------- 500گرام
لیموں کا رس------------------------ 2-3کھانے کے چمچے
ہری مرچ---------------------------- 3-5عدد
ہری پیاز کے پتے------------------- 2-3کھانے کے چمچے
ہرا دھنیا---------------------------- 2کھانے کے چمچے
نان--------------------------------- سرونگ کے لئے
دہی-------------------------------- 1کپ
ادرک لہسن پیسٹ------------------- 2کھانے کے چمچے
گرم مصالحہ پاﺅڈر------------------ 1چائے کا چمچہ
نمک-------------------------------- حسبِ ذوق
کُٹی کالی مرچ----------------------- 1کھانے کا چمچہ
تیل---------------------------------- 2کھانے کے چمچے
مکھن------------------------------- 4کھانے کے چمچے
بھنا کٹا زیرہ------------------------- 1چائے کا چمچہ
کریم--------------------------------- 1/2کپ
کوئلہ--------------------------------- 1ٹکڑا
ایک پین میں تیل گرم کرکے چکن کے ٹکڑے ڈالیں۔
ساتھ ہی ادرک لہسن کا پیسٹ شامل کرکے5سے 6منٹ تک فرائی کریں۔
پھر اس میں کٹی کالی مرچ، بھنا کٹا زیرہ، نمک اور دہی ڈال کر ہلکی آنچ پر پکائیں، اتنا کہ پانی خشک ہوجائے۔
اب گرم مصالحہ پاﺅڈر،ہری پیاز ،ہرا دھنیا،لیموں کا رس اور کریم شامل کرکے 2سے 3منٹ تک پکنے دیں۔
ٓآخر میں کوئلے کا دھواں لگائیں۔
سرونگ ڈش میں نکالیں۔اوپر سے کٹی کالی مرچ چھڑکیں اور کریم لگائیں۔
نان اور چپاتی کے ساتھ سرو کریں۔

Find out the Kali Mirch Ki Karahi Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Special Pakistani Dishes. Kali Mirch Ki Karahi is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Kali Mirch Ki Karahi and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Kali Mirch Ki Karahi

Among so many varieties of Karahi one is shared by Chef Tahira Mateen. The chicken is first fried in the oil to release all the water from it and also for giving it a nice colour. Then ginger and garlic are added to it for getting rid of the smell of chicken and also for taste. Then it is mixed with crushed black pepper, green chillies, salt and yoghurt to make the gravy. This is a different karahi which contains few spices and ingredients but its taste is scrumptious. You can make kali mirch ki karahi easily at home. You can add a little amount of butter to it. The smoke of coal is given to kali mirch ki karahi at the end to make it aromatic. It gives kali mirch ki karahi a roadside flavour. This recipe is available at many restaurants and dhabas but this original recipe shared by Tahira Mateen will make some scrumptious kali mirch ki karahi. Hope you will try this amazing and easy recipe.

مزید پاکستانی کھانے ریسیپیز
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Reviews & Comments

Cream zarori hai add krna ? Kia butter ya cream dono mein se 1 cheez add krskty hn ? Kindly tell me

  • Iqra,

I made kali mirch ki karahi for my mother when she was ill and couldn't cook for a while. This recipe really worked for me and I appreciate Chef Tahira Mateen for sharing this recipe.

  • Habeeba, Karachi

The texture and color remind me of my favorite dishes at my local Berkeley Pakistani restaurant. I used less than half the recommended spices and it was too spicy for me. Kali mirch ki karahi was good.

  • Habeeba, New york

kali mirchi ki karahi is the best because instead of the big green chili that takes a lot of time to just remove from the salan, it's replaced by black pepper.

  • Hania , islamabad

Kali mirch ki karahi is the best for people who love spicy dishes or want some unique taste. For me, this is what I cook for my husband. He just loves it.

  • Farzana Noor, karachi