Bright Spring Salad
Find easy and simple Bright Spring Salad Recipe with a fusion of traditional and contemporary flavors. Bright Spring Salad is a common dish to find in Salad Recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Bright Spring Salad recipe with available user-friendly instructions in English Recipes.
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Lettuce leaves (finely cut) ............4
Cucumber (finely cut) ............1
Radish (finely cut) ............1
Cabbage (finely cut) ............1
Tomato (finely cut) ............1 cup
Strawberries (finely cut) ............1 cup
Kinnow wedges (thickly cut) ............1 cup
Pineapple pieces ............1 cup
Dressing Ingredients:
Kinnow juice ............3 tbsp
Lemon juice ............3 tbsp
Red chilli powder ............¼ tsp
Thyme ............½ tsp
Honey ............1 tbsp
Salt ............½ tsp
Olive oil ............1 tbsp
How to make Bright Spring Salad
• Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and serve.
Posted By:
Nasra, Islamabad