Find potent Beauty Tips and Totkay in Urdu to elevate your How to remove Saltiness of Turnip! regimen. Uncover a wealth of invaluable insights, natural remedies, wellness advice, herbal solutions, and easy home remedies tailored for How to remove Saltiness of Turnip! enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in our extensive collection of Beauty Tips and Totkay, meticulously curated to safeguard and enhance your How to remove Saltiness of Turnip! experience. At Cooking Tips and Totkay, we're dedicated to providing you with informative and highly effective tips that cater to your specific needs.
جب شلجم چھیل کر ٹکڑے کریں تو ان پر نمک لگا دیں۔ کچھ دیر بعد اچھی طرح دھو لیں۔ اس طرح شلجموں سے کھارا پانی نکل جائے گا اور زائقہ دار ہوجائیں گے۔
Peel Turnip and cut into pieces then paste salt on it. After a while wash it very well. In this way salty water (Kahra Pani) will remove from Turnips & Turnip will be tasty.
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