Find delicious lahori chaney recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. lahori chaney recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Special Pakistani Dishes recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating lahori chaney recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.
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Find out the lahori chaney Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Special Pakistani Dishes. lahori chaney is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find lahori chaney and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.
Lahori chaney is basically chicken pieces cooked with chickpeas and spices having little amount of gravy in it. It is more preferable to eat in breakfast. The Lahori Chaney recipe contains many spices. Chickpeas are not easily digestible but it depends on the choice of eaters whenever they like to enjoy it. Lahori Chaney recipe is very simple and it does not take more than an hour to prepare once you have chickpeas already boiled. Spices used in Lahori Chaney recipe includes red chili powder, whole spice powder, coriander powder, black pepper powder, salt etc and the gravy is prepared with yogurt and onions. The chicken is added to the gravy to get tenderized. People usually enjoy this in breakfast with Puris or Naan. Lahori Chaney recipe is one of the most popular dishes of Lahore. Lahori chaney are available at many restaurants all over Pakistan especially in Lahore. The aroma of all spice powder is the specialty of lahori chaney recipe. It gives a very nice brown color to this recipe also. Hope you like the recipe for lahori chaney.
اسلام علیکم محترم جناب امید ہے آپ خیریت سے ہونگے آپ کی ریسیپی ہمارے گروپ کو بہت ہی زیادہ پسند آئی ہے اور ان کی طرف سے آپ کو دل سے شکریہ ادا کرتے ہیں اور امید ہے کہ آپ اگے بھی اس طرح کی ریسیپی بنانا سیکھیں گے
halva poori with this lahori chanay salan, thats just oh-my-god!!! love love love!
My cousin really praised Lahori chanay recipe and I tried this recipe on her recommendation. I will give it a 5 star because it really is a nice and tasty dish.
I make this regularly now. It's amazing! A new favorite dish for my family, kids included. We always ate whenever we visit Lahore but I made Lahori chaney at home this time.