Today Prayer Times in Dolna Oriahovica, Bulgaria
Today, December 22, 2024, the prayer times in Dolna Oriahovica are as follows: Fajr at 6:03 AM, Zuhr at 12:16 PM, Asr at 2:28 PM, Maghrib at 4:45 PM & Isha at 6:23 PM. It is obligatory for Muslims to perform Namaz (Salah) five times a day, and it is equally important to be aware of their respective timings.
The Fajr time
Dolna Oriahovica
marks the beginning of the day's spiritual observance, while the precise start and end timings for Namaz throughout the day provide a structured framework for the devout. The Fajr prayer window concludes as the sun rises, allowing believers to commence their day with a sense of spiritual fulfillment. As the day progresses, the Zuhr prayer's end time in
Dolna Oriahovica
approaches, offering a midday pause for reflection and connection. You can also find Fiqa Hanafi prayer time in
Dolna Oriahovica, Shafi prayer time and Fiqa Jafria Shia prayer times in
Dolna Oriahovica.
Stay on top of your daily prayer routine with the prayer time
Dolna Oriahovica
schedule, which includes the azan and salat schedule, as well as a 7-day time table. The Fajr, Dhuhur, Asr, Maghrib, Isha namaz timings and shia Namaz timing
Dolna Oriahovica
are available with customizable prayer time calculation methods to help you calculate the proper time for your prayer.
For today, which is
19 Jumadal Akhira 1446, you can find the
Dolna Oriahovica
prayer time along with the next 7 days' schedule from
22 Dec. 2024
29 Dec. 2024. Stay informed of the start and end time details for the
Dolna Oriahovica
zawal time updates as well.
In addition to the prayer times, you can also check the Iftar time in
Dolna Oriahovica, which is at
4:45 PM
for today, and the end of Sehri time in
Dolna Oriahovica, which is at
6:03 AM. You can also find the Sehri and Iftar time for Fiqa Hanafi (sunni) or Fiqa Jafria (shia) in
Dolna Oriahovica
with all of this information readily available, you can easily stay on track with your daily prayer routine and observe your religious obligations.
The exact namaz time in
Dolna Oriahovica
is determined by local Islamic authorities, who use various methods to calculate the timings. These methods include the use of astronomical charts, mathematical calculations, and other scientific methods. The prayer times in
Dolna Oriahovica
are announced in local mosques and are also available online.
It is important for Muslims in
Dolna Oriahovica
to observe the prescribed namazs timings, as prayer is considered one of the fundamental pillars of Islam. In addition to the five daily prayers, Muslims in
Dolna Oriahovica
also observe the Jummah prayer, which is offered every Friday afternoon and along with that Nawafil namaz such as Tahajjud, Ishraq, Chasht and Awwabin. Islamic prayer times shows you the correct times to Fajr, Zuhur, Asr, Maghrib Isha Namaz timing as well as Tahajjud, Ishraq, Chasht and Awwabin Namaz time.
What are the Prayer times in Dolna Oriahovica today?
Prayer Time in
Dolna Oriahovica
Sunday 22 Dec 2024
- ● Fajr Time in
Dolna Oriahovica
6:03 AM
- ● Zuhr Time in
Dolna Oriahovica:
12:16 PM
- ● Asr Time in
Dolna Oriahovica:
2:28 PM
- ● Maghrib Time in
Dolna Oriahovica:
4:45 PM
- ● Isha Time in
Dolna Oriahovica:
6:23 PM
Dolna Oriahovica Azan Time Today
Here are (call to prayer) Azan times in Dolna Oriahovica for Monday, December 23, 2024:
- ● Fajr Azan Time in
Dolna Oriahovica
6:03 AM
- ● Zuhr Azan Time in
Dolna Oriahovica:
12:16 PM
- ● Asr Azan Time in
Dolna Oriahovica:
2:28 PM
- ● Maghrib Azan Time in
Dolna Oriahovica:
4:45 PM
- ● Isha Azan Time in
Dolna Oriahovica:
6:23 PM
Ishraq Time in Dolna Oriahovica Today:
Today December 23, 2024 Ishraq Namaz Time in Dolna Oriahovica is start from 08:01 AM to 11:24 AM. Ishraq time in Dolna Oriahovica today is the beautiful moment when the sun rises, filling the city with its warm and radiant light. Many people, especially Muslims, cherish this time for reflection, gratitude, and finding a fresh burst of energy. It's a peaceful moment often used for optional prayers and quiet contemplation.
Tahajjud time in Dolna Oriahovica Today:
Tahajjud time in Dolna Oriahovica today, December 23, 2024, is start from 07:23 PM to 06:02 AM. Tahajjud, a unique night prayer, is observed in the last third of the night, just before the Fajr prayer time Dolna Oriahovica. While it's not obligatory, it's strongly encouraged by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for its many benefits like to make closer connection to Allah, Seeking Forgiveness, Supplication and Requests for personal needs, Self-Reflection and more.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the prayer (Salah) times in Dolna Oriahovica today?
Today prayer (salah) times in
Dolna Oriahovica are (Fajr time at
6:03 AM, Dhuhr time at
12:16 PM, Asr time at
2:28 PM, Maghrib time at
4:45 PM, and Isha time at
6:23 PM), it vary based on the position of the sun throughout the day. You can find accurate prayer timings by referring to local mosques, Islamic websites, mobile apps, or printed Islamic calendars.
What is Fajr time in Dolna Oriahovica?
Fajr time Dolna Oriahovica on December 23, 2024, is scheduled for 6:03 AM in Fiqa Hanafi and the Fajr Namaz time in Fiqh Jafriya is slightly different.
What is Zuhr time in Dolna Oriahovica?
Zuhur time Dolna Oriahovica on December 23, 2024, marked for 12:16 PM, providing you with a midday pause for prayer and contemplation.
What is Asr time in Dolna Oriahovica?
Asr time Dolna Oriahovica on December 23, 2024, arrives at 2:28 PM, inviting you to engage in your faith amidst the day's activities.
What is Maghrib time in Dolna Oriahovica?
Maghrib time Dolna Oriahovica on December 23, 2024, set at 4:45 PM in Fiqa Hanafi and in Fiqh Jafriya maghrib time Dolna Oriahovica namaz starts 10 minutes later.
What is Isha time in Dolna Oriahovica?
Isha time Dolna Oriahovica on December 23, 2024, is scheduled for 6:23 PM, isha time Dolna Oriahovica providing a peaceful opportunity to connect with your spirituality before retiring for the night.
What is the Azan Time in Dolna Oriahovica?
Today's Azan time in Dolna Oriahovica are as follows: Fajr at 6:03 AM, Zuhr at 12:16 PM, Asr at 2:28 PM, Maghrib at 4:45 PM, and Isha at 6:23 PM. These azan times are based on the Islamic Date of 19 Jumadal Akhira 1446.
What is the time of Zawal in Dolna Oriahovica?
On Dec 23, 2024 (19 Jumadal Akhira 1446), Zawal Time in Dolna Oriahovica starts at 11:24 AM and ends at 12:16 PM today.
What is the time for Tahajjud prayer in Dolna Oriahovica?
Today, Tahajjud time starts at 19:23:00 and ends at 05:58:00 in Dolna Oriahovica. Tahajjud prayer begins after the Isha prayer and when one wakes up from their sleep.