5 Home Remedies for Heel Pain

Remedy 1

Using Ice

Apply a cold pack (cold compress) to your heel. Cold temperature makes the feet numb and therefore helps you relieve the pain in a natural way.

How to Do:

  • Crush some ice cubes in put into a plastic bag.
  • Wrap the bag in a cotton washcloth or towel.
  • Place it on the heel for 15 minutes.
  • Repeat couple of times in a day.

Do not use ice directly on the skin. It may cause issues to the skin.

Remedy 2

Using Turmeric

Turmeric (haldi) is the best way to treat different kinds of pain. It contains curcumin which is a natural pain killer.

How to Use:

  • Add 1 tsp powdered turmeric to 1 cup of milk.
  • Give it a gentle simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Add raw honey to improve the taste.
  • Drink two to three times a day.

Here is the full recipe of golden turmeric milk

Remedy 3

Apple Vinegar Wrap

Apple cider vinegar wrap is also a committing home remedy for pain in the heels. It's pain relieving properties significantly help reduce the pain.

How to Use:

  • Take half cup water and one fourth cup of vinegar.
  • Heat both of them combined until warm.
  • Dip a washcloth in the warm liquid and apply it on the heel.
  • Cover with another dry cloth.
  • Fix it on the paining place for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat as required.

Remedy 4

Ginger Oil

Ginger works best if the pain arises due to some muscle problem. It naturally contains pain relief properties which can provide you ultimate relief from the pain.

How to Use:

Give your heels a gentle massage with ginger oil. Do this couple of times a day.

Remedy 5

Doing Exercise

Doing stretching exercises are helpful to relieve the pain. These exercises improve the strength of muscles and tendons of the feet.

How to Do:

  • Stand before a wall a few steps away.
  • Push into wall with both your hands.
  • Now step one foot ahead, tend your body gradually and feel the stretch through back to the heel.
  • Hold this posture for half minute.
  • Now do this with other foot.
  • Repeat multiple times until you get relief.

Many people I hear complaining about pain in their heels; they are looking for home remedies to get instant relief. So I decided to compile up 5 simple household solutions to get rid of annoying heel pain. Generally, there are many tips for foot pain relief but I chose the easiest ones which require the simplest of the things with shortest procedure.

Heel pain is a common issue and you would find many people around suffering with this pain. Usually the pain arises in the bottom part of heel however sometimes it is felt in the sides as well. In some cases, pain is felt only in the morning; some cases report the pain only after walking.

Causes of heels pain may include minor or major foot injuries, old fractures, pressure on the nerves, sprains, and sometimes inner damage of the heels. Sometimes it may be caused due to some medical reasons such as arthritis, plantar fasciitis, diabetes or tendinitis.

KFoods.com is telling you 5 simple home cures to treat ordinary heel pain at home. Read and benefit with the tips given.

Heels Pain Remedies

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By Farhan Javed  |   In Health and Fitness  |   3 Comments   |   91230 Views   |   08 Mar 2017
About the Author:

Farhan Javed is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background. Farhan Javed is dedicated content writer for news and featured content especially food recipes, daily life tips & tricks related topics and currently employed as content writer at kfoods.com.

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COMMENTS | ASK QUESTION (Last Updated: 11 March 2025)

Causes of heels pain may include minor or major foot injuries, old fractures, pressure on the nerves, sprains, and sometimes inner damage of the heels. Sometimes it may be caused due to some medical reasons such as arthritis, plantar fasciitis, diabetes or tendinitis.

  • Gate Holloman, Karachi

This pain is not so frequent but whenever it occurs, it is very painful and I am looking for instant relief. It is utter unbearable.

  • Umaima Jamal,

Thank you so much for sharing this information I am suffering from this heal pain I think this tips useful for this pain. thanks again

  • Bela , Karachi

5 Home Remedies for Heel Pain

5 Home Remedies for Heel Pain ہر کسی کے لیے جاننا ضروری ہیں کیونکہ یہ ایک اہم معلومات ہے۔ 5 Home Remedies for Heel Pain سے متعلق تفصیلی معلومات آپ کو اس آرٹیکل میں بآسانی مل جائے گی۔ ہمارے پیج پر کھانوں، مصالحوں، ادویات، بیماریوں، فیشن، سیلیبریٹیز، ٹپس اینڈ ٹرکس، ہربلسٹ اور مشہور شیف کی بتائی ہوئی ہر قسم کی ٹپ دستیاب ہے۔ مزید لائف ٹپس، صحت، قدرتی اجزاء اور ماڈرن ریمیڈی کے فوڈز میں موجود ہے۔