5 Home Remedies for Rough Dry Hands

Remedy 1

Coconut Oil

Coconut oils are full of fatty acids. These acids are very helpful for rough hands treatment. They cure damaged and dry skin of your hands.

Usage Tip:

Massage your hands with extra virgin coconut oil every night before sleeping. Put on gloves for maximum results. Do this until required.

Remedy 2


Honey is naturally a moisturizer. It also contains antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Using honey is one of the most effective natural remedies for dry cracked hands. It is also a basic ingredient in many skin products.

Usage Tip:

Apply little amount of honey on hands and stay for 10 minutes. Then wash with warm water. Do this practice two times a day.

Remedy 3

Aloe Vera

If you ask a girl how to soften your hands?.
70% of the girls would tell you about using Aloe Vera. Yes it is. Aloe Vera is known for its moisturizing properties. It helps recover moisture in rough and dry hands. It makes a protective layer on the skin which saves from dust, dirt and weather effects.

Usage Tip:

Apply fresh Aloe Vera gel on your hands, keep it for 10 minutes and then wash with warm water. Do this practice once everyday.

Remedy 4

Overripe Banana

Do not discard overripe bananas. They do have excellent moisturizing properties. Using bananas is a perfect remedy for rough hands. It also helps remove wrinkles on the skin.

Usage Tip:

Convert an overripe banana into a thick mash. Rub it all over your hands and let it sit for around half an hour. Then wash it with mild warm water. Repeat this unless you need.

Remedy 5

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is ideal for skin. It is a natural skin cleanser which effectively softens extremely dry hands. Lemon juice also helps improve skin tone making it lighter and smoother.

Usage Tip:

Take lemon juice, baking soda and honey in equal amount. Mix them altogether and apply on your hands. Massage gently, leave for 5 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water. Do this once a day until you get rid of dry hands.

We have put forward the best home remedies for dry hands in this article for you. Even we are presenting them in Urdu as well for help of Urdu readers. All these remedies use natural things. Make use of them and turn your hands into soft and smooth ones.

Know 5 effective home remedies for dry hands in winters. Keeping your hands skin soft and smooth is a big deal. Changed climate, chilled weather and cold breezes, all are going to damage the skin including hands. It's up to you how timely you start caring about it. Here are 5 easy dry hand remedies for winter. See and act timely before your hands start getting rough.

Common factors that cause rough hands are chilled weather, frequent exposure to water or chemicals, use of unhygienic soaps and so on.

Here are the remedies:

Tags: Remedies to Make Hands Soft Dry Hand Care Tips

Dry Hands Home Remedies

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By Farhan Javed  |   In Beauty and Skin Care  |   1 Comments   |   28642 Views   |   01 Jan 2017
About the Author:

Farhan Javed is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background. Farhan Javed is dedicated content writer for news and featured content especially food recipes, daily life tips & tricks related topics and currently employed as content writer at kfoods.com.

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5 Home Remedies for Rough Dry Hands

5 Home Remedies for Rough Dry Hands ہر کسی کے لیے جاننا ضروری ہیں کیونکہ یہ ایک اہم معلومات ہے۔ 5 Home Remedies for Rough Dry Hands سے متعلق تفصیلی معلومات آپ کو اس آرٹیکل میں بآسانی مل جائے گی۔ ہمارے پیج پر کھانوں، مصالحوں، ادویات، بیماریوں، فیشن، سیلیبریٹیز، ٹپس اینڈ ٹرکس، ہربلسٹ اور مشہور شیف کی بتائی ہوئی ہر قسم کی ٹپ دستیاب ہے۔ مزید لائف ٹپس، صحت، قدرتی اجزاء اور ماڈرن ریمیڈی کے فوڈز میں موجود ہے۔