Almond Oil Benefits for Skin Beauty

Today, we will especially discuss about the advantages of almond oil especially for skin. Do you know this oil puts great effect on every type of skin? Yes. It does. Let's know more how almonds oil improves our skin.

ایک تیل جو آپ کی خوبصورتی بڑھائے
یہ تو آپ سب ہی جانتے ہوں گے کہ بادام کے بہت سے صحت مند فوائد ہیں اس کو کھانے سے دماغ تیز ہوتا ہے اور اس کا تیل بالوں میں لگانے سے بال مضبوط، گھنے اور چمکدار ہوجاتے ہیں لیکن کیا آپ کو معلوم ہے کہ بادام کا تیل ہر قسم کی جلد پر بھی اپنا اچھا اثر دکھاتا ہے ؟ جی ہاں آئیے جانتے ہیں کہ بادام جلد کو خوبصورت بنانے میں کس طرح مددگار ثابت ہوتا ہے ۔

جلد میں نمی پہنچانے :
بادام کا تیل ہر جلد کے مطابق اثر کرتا ہے چاہے وہ ڈرائی اسکن ہو یا نارمل اسکن، یہ تیل بہت ہی ہلکا ہوتا ہے جس سے یہ جلد میں آسانی سے سماجاتا ہے ۔ لیکن یہ سب سے زیادہ بہتر خشک جلد کے لئے ہوتا ہے ، صرف اس کا روزانہ مساج کرنے کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے جس سے یہ جلد میں نمی پہنچاتا ہے ۔

Benefits for Moisturizing Skin

Almonds oil is better for all types of skin, for dry and for normal too. It is very light and permeates quickly into skin easily. However, it is best for dry skin. You only need to do massage with it for keep your skin moisturized.

پھٹے ہونٹ:
کیا آپ کے ہونٹ پھٹ گئے ہیں ؟ اگر ہونٹ پھٹے ہوں تو ان پر بالم کی جگہ بادام کے تیل سے بنا ہوا لپ گلاس لگائیں یا اس کے لیے لپ گلاس گھر میں تیار کریں ۔ آپ چار پانچ قطرے بادام کا تیل، چائے کا ایک چمچ شہد میں اچھی طرح سے مکس کریں اس کو ایک ائیر ٹائٹ کنٹینر میں رکھ دیجئے اور ہفتہ بھر آرام سے ہونٹوں پر لگائیے ۔ اس کے استعمال سے آپ کے ہونٹوں پر گلابی چمک آجائے گی اور وہ صحت مند بھی ہوجائیں گے ۔

Chapped Lips

Did your lips chap? Anyone with chapped lips should apply almond oil lip gloss which will do way better than ordinary market balms. It will make your lips shiny, beautiful and healthy.

How to Make Almond-Oil Lip Gloss

Mix 4 to 5 drops of almonds oil with one teaspoon honey well. Store it in an air-tight container and apply on your lips whole week. It will make your lips pinky and glossy.

جھریاں :
بادام کے تیل میں وٹامن اے اور بی پایاجاتا ہے ، جسے چہرے پر لگانے سے جھریاں دور ہوجاتی ہیں ۔ اس تیل سے آپ اپنے چہرے پر رات کو مساج کریں اور سوجائیں صبح اُٹھ کر چہرہ نارمل طریقے سے دھولیں اس سے چہرے کی چمک واپس لوٹ آئے گی ۔

For Face Wrinkles

Thanks to nature for providing vitamins A and B in the form of Badam Tel. It can remove wrinkles from your face. Massage your face with it before sleeping and wash in the morning as you do normally. Within some days, your face would start becoming fresher.

سیاہ حلقے :
آنکھوں کے نیچے اور اردگرد سیاہ حلقوں کا ہونا بہت مسئلہ ہوتا ہے اس کو دور کرنے کے لئے بادام کا تیل لے کر مساج کیجئے ، کچھ ہی عرصہ بعد آپ نوٹ کریں گے کہ سیاہ حلقے بالکل کم ہوچکے ہوں گے یا ختم ہوجائیں گے ۔

Almond Oil for Dark Circles

Getting black circles around eyes is very common. Nobody likes it. To remove them, again you can take benefit from almond oils. Start massaging the area with oil and after some days, you would observe that the circles are either lightened or totally removed.

اسکرب :
بادام کے تیل کو فیشل میں کیاجانے والا اسکربنگ میں بھی استعمال کیا جاتا ہے ۔ صفائی کی شکل میں بھی اسکرب کرنے سے چہرے کی ساری گندگی صاف ہوگی اور مردہ جلد بھی نکل جائے گی ، آپ کو صرف ایک چمچ چینی کے ساتھ بادام کا تیل ملانا ہوگا اور اس اسکرب سے چہرے کی اینٹی کلاک وائز ڈائریکشن میں اسکربنگ کرنا ہوگی ۔


Oil of almonds can also be used in facial scrubs. It will clean all dirt out of your face. It also helps in removing dead skin cells.

How to Use as Scrub

Mix one spoon sugar with almonds oil well and scrub your face with this mixture in anti- clockwise directions. You would see the difference!

Almond is good for beauty and so does its oil. It offers lots of beauty benefits with healthy effects. Using almond oil on skin helps achieve a shiny and smooth skin. It is also good for hair. It strengthens hair roots, makes them shinier and good looking. Similarly, it makes your skin delicate, shining and soft. Beauty experts worldwide suggest almond oil for beautiful skin and hair.

Who doesn't know about benefits of almonds? Everyone knows that almonds are good for memory, eye sight and it's oil is good for hair as well. But do you know that almonds oil is also beneficial to achieve a gorgeous and healthy skin. It nourishes the skin, makes it moist and beautiful. It also improves dryness of the lips. Moreover it is helpful to remove dark eye circles and wrinkles of the face.

If you are seriously looking to improve your beauty, read the tips given in this article and beautify yourself incredibly.

See also:
Olive Oil Benefits

Tags: Badam Ke Tail Ke Fayde Benefits of Almond Oil for Skin

Almond Oil Skin

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By Aqib Shehzad  |   In Beauty and Skin Care  |   19 Comments   |   93173 Views   |   01 Nov 2017
About the Author:

Aqib Shehzad is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background. Aqib Shehzad is dedicated content writer for news and featured content especially food recipes, daily life tips & tricks related topics and currently employed as content writer at

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COMMENTS | ASK QUESTION (Last Updated: 16 February 2025)

thank uuuu sooo much 4 this information

  • mrs waqas, muscat

or balo mein keisy use krna hai badam ka oil? or kitni dair tk please bta dein

  • shaista, attock

or balo mein keisy use krna hai badam ka oil? or kitni dair tk please bta dein

  • Mishu, polokwane Affrica

Almond oil is really a wonder. I myself have tried this oil on my skin, it works well. When I apply it on face and do a gentle massage, it really gives calmness.

  • Samina, 😎

Sir badam k oil ki tasir kya hai???

  • Sahrish, Kamoke

Thank you soooo much for this knowledge...

  • IqrA, lhr

I have coconut oil at this time . I bought it because I read about its benefits and I started using it . But now I read about benefits of almond oil and I am thinking to buy it too. I think there would be many things that coconut oil can do that are here mentioned for almonds oil. Am I right?

  • Saneeta, Thatta City

looking for a way to make this oil at home. As it is included in my monthly ration and so i always have them in bulk and therefore i am thinking to extract its oil myself. No need to buy it separately. And homemade oil will be pure as well.

  • Kashif Mehboob, KHI

This is one of my favorite oils. I like almonds, olive and kalonji oil and also sometimes coconut oil. I have found that if you apply any of these oils on your skin in winter, they work better than the lotion. I apply these oils on skin, hair and even on my lips. and I am happy.

  • Nafeesa Shah, Sukkur

can someone guide me how to extract oil from almonds ? i want to do it myself as I do not want to buy polluted and contaminated oils. If possible I would extract the oil myself and will use it for my beauty.

  • Iqra, Islamabad

I haven't seen pure almonds oil in market. can somebody tell me where to get the purest oil or how to make it at home? I would also try making it myself for my satisfaction.

  • Raheela Jawwad Ahmed, Lahore

please tell me more oils that I can use for improving my skin and health. I also sometimes drink olive oil but Not any effect yet. so please suggest me exactly what can i use and what will improve my skin? thanks

  • rabia irshad, kamra

almond and olive oils are my best products to use ever. What i want is to get pure oil because it has the maximum benefits for skin. Most oils available do not contain full nutrients but it is very hard to get the purest form of oils.

  • Nadra, Karachi

All these oils are awesome: almond oil, olive oil and coconut oil. I have read many information about all these oils and all are very good for skin and your overall beauty. All you need is to know how to make use of these oils.

  • Bilquis, Lahore

is this oil available ready made? i cannot bother myself in making and extracting oil myself? I want it just ready! I will buy it however expensive

  • Aliya Marri, Quetta

Sir ye to Auchi information h

  • Rehamat , Manama

good one. never heard of this much benefits of this oil. gladly will apply. we use it only for hair but never knew about all these things. I am sharing this article with all my home members too.

  • Marina, Karachi

Meherban maseeha depression my skin Brown fatale dark spots please help or tak 0331 3693445

  • mina hashmi , Hyderabad mahihashmi

Plz dano r un k spots ko km krnybka btay

  • ayan khan, karachi

Almond Oil Benefits for Skin Beauty

Almond Oil Benefits for Skin Beauty ہر کسی کے لیے جاننا ضروری ہیں کیونکہ یہ ایک اہم معلومات ہے۔ Almond Oil Benefits for Skin Beauty سے متعلق تفصیلی معلومات آپ کو اس آرٹیکل میں بآسانی مل جائے گی۔ ہمارے پیج پر کھانوں، مصالحوں، ادویات، بیماریوں، فیشن، سیلیبریٹیز، ٹپس اینڈ ٹرکس، ہربلسٹ اور مشہور شیف کی بتائی ہوئی ہر قسم کی ٹپ دستیاب ہے۔ مزید لائف ٹپس، صحت، قدرتی اجزاء اور ماڈرن ریمیڈی کے فوڈز میں موجود ہے۔