Egg Fried Rice Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Egg Fried Rice recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Egg Fried Rice recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Rice, Biryani, & Pulao recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Egg Fried Rice recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Egg Fried Rice
chef Recommended By Chef
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ایگ فرائڈ رائس
باسپتی چاول ۔۔ ایک کلو
انڈے ۔۔ چھ عدد
ہر پیاز کے پتے ۔۔ ایک پیالی
شملہ مرچ ،، ایک پیالی
سفید مرچ ۔۔ ایک چائے کا چمچ
چکن کیوب ملا میدہ ۔۔ ایک کھانے کا چمچ
تل کا تیل ۔۔ چند قطرے
زردے کا رنگ ایک چٹکی
گاجر ۔۔ دو عدد
سویا سوس دو کھانے کے چمچ
سفید سرکہ ۔۔ دو کھانے کے چمچ
لہسن ۔۔ چھ جوئے
تیل ۔۔ آدھا پیالی
ایک بڑی دیگچی میں چاولوں کو بہت سارے پانے کے ساتھ دو کنی ابالیں۔ ساتھ میں سفید سرکہ اور نمک ڈال دیں۔ جب ابال آجائے تو پانی نکال کر دم پر دیں۔ جب دم آجائے تو دیگچی سے نکال کر اخبار پھیلا دیں۔ ایک کڑاہی میں تیل گرم کر کے لہسن ڈالیں اور گولڈن براؤن کرلیں۔ انڈوں کو پھینٹ کر زردے کا رنگ ملائیں۔ پھر تیک میں ڈال کر جلدی جلدی چمچ چلائیں۔ جب انڈوں کے ٹکڑے بن جائیں تو سبزیاں سویا سوس سرکہ چینی اور میدہ ڈال کر بھون لیں اور چاول ڈال دیں۔ اب دونوں ہاتھوں میں چمچ لے کر تیز آنچ پر چاول اوپر سے نیچے کریں۔ جب سب اچھی طرح مکس ہوجائیں تو تل کا تیل ڈال کر گرم گرم پیش کریں۔

Chef Samina Jalil,Posted By: Naveen Khalid,

Find out the Egg Fried Rice Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Rice, Biryani, & Pulao. Egg Fried Rice is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Egg Fried Rice and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Egg Fried Rice

Egg fried rice recipe would fulfil your hunger effectively. presents the recipe in Urdu from the collection of chef Samina Jalil. Enjoy a delicious egg rice meal.

Eggs have an extensive use in cooking different kinds of foods. Soups, kofta (meatballs), vegetables and even rice recipes incorporate use of eggs. This eggs fried rice recipe is shared by chef Samina Jalil, famous Pakistani cooking expert, in Urdu language. Recipe uses basmati rice, eggs, green onion leaves, capsicum, white pepper, all purpose flour (mixed with chicken cube), sesame oil and yellow food color. Recipe is authentic and easy to make. You can try it anytime you like without any hesitation.

Most of the rice recipes belong to Chinese cuisines as there is a huge consumption of rice in China and other Asian countries. Recipe resembles to some extent to Chinese shashlik recipe, chicken manchurian, and some boiled rice dishes.

Prepare this egg rice recipe today and enjoy a light refreshing meal.

Reviews & Comments

Great to share egg fried rice recipe and here i got the best collection of rice recipes of all time. I will also share it with my friends. They also like these dishes.

  • Bachra, Karachi

hmm. looks yummy but the method is too long. And I am trying to understand first the newspaper step. It's a bit complicated and I would take some time to fully understand making it. I also see some new ingredients in the dish like capsicum and white pepper.

  • Izna, Shaikhupura

from sweets to spicy things, eggs can be transformed accordingly. I sometimes wonder at eggs how they are used for eating, such as a robust breakfast dish fried egg, omelette etc, cooked with rice, with onions and cooked in every style. what a wonderful food!

  • Iqbal Khawaja, LHR

voww, it looks very good . i have never seen this much beautiful appearance of rice . i like this recipe and I am sending it to my elder sister on facebook to make it tonight. i believe in good cooking but only at home. no outside food.

  • Aadi, Sargodha

good one. I have a long list of rice foods and keep cooking them frequently. I choose the day of friday for cooking it because it is a special day and my whole family eats friday lunch together. we really enjoy it

  • Sima, Lahore