Achar Gosht Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Achar Gosht recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Achar Gosht recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Beef & Mutton recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Achar Gosht recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Achar Gosht
chef Recommended By Chef
time-clock 0:10 To Prep
time-clock 0:45 To Cook
4 Servings
Tips About Recipe

55528 Views 21 Comments

Achar Gosht vidhi

Gosht 1 kg
Dahi ½ cup
Saunf 1.5 chaye ka chamcha
Piyaz 4 adad baeek kati hoi
Namak aur laal mirch Hasb e zaroorat
Hari mirch 12 adad bareek kati hoi
Zeeaa 1.5 chaye ka chamch
Meethray 1.5 chaye ka chamach
Tamatar ½ kg
Adrak lehsan Hasb e zaroorat (pisa hoa)
Tail Hasb e zaroorat

Banane ki tarkeeb

Piyaz ko bhoon kar is main gosht, pisa hoa adrak aur lehsan daalain aur us wqt tak bhontay rahain
Jab tak gosht k paani khuskh na hojaye.
Namak, mirch mila kar dahi aur tamatar gosht man daal dain aur pakny dain.
Jab paani khushk honay ko ajaye to is main zeera, saunf, meethray, kalonji aur hari mirchain daal dain..
Phir 10 minute k liye isko halki anch per dam per rakh dain.
Taiyaar hoany per taaza roti k sath paish karain.
اچار گوشت
گوشت----------------- ایک کلو
دہی--------------- آدھا کپ
سونف دیڑھ-------------- چائے کا چمچ
کلونجی----------- دیڑھ چائے کا چمچ
پیاز--------------چار عدد(باریک کٹی ہوئی)
نمک اور لال مرچ---------------- حسبِ ضرورت
ہری مرچ----------- بارہ عدد (باریک کٹی ہوئی)
زیرہ---------------- ڈیڑھ چائے کا چمچ
میتھرے----------------- ڈیڑھ چائے کاچمچ
ٹماٹر------------------- آدھا کلو
ادرک لہسن------------- حسبِ ضرورت(پسا ہوا)
تیل---------------- حسبِ ضرورت
پیازکو بھون کر اس میں گوشت، پسا ہوا ادرک اور لہسن ڈالیں اور اس وقت تک بھونتے رہیں جب تک گوشت کا پانی خشک نہ ہوجائے۔
نمک،مرچ ملاکر دہی اور ٹماٹر گوشت میں ڈال دیں اور پکنے دیں۔
جب پانی خشک ہونے کو آجائے تو اس میں زیرہ ، سونف، میتھرے کلونجی اور ہری مرچیں ڈال دیں۔
پھر 10منٹ کے لئے اس کو ہلکی آنچ پر دم پر رکھ دیں۔
تیار ہونے پر تازہ روٹی کے ساتھ پیش کریں۔
Chef Asad,Posted By: kinza,

Find out the Achar Gosht Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Beef & Mutton. Achar Gosht is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Achar Gosht and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Achar Gosht

Achar gosht recipe can be made with any kind of meat such as beef, mutton or chicken. Achaar gosht has a very spicy and sour taste. It is prepared when meat is cooked with tomatoes, yoghurt and all pickle spices like fennel seeds, cumin seeds, and fenugreek seeds. Green chilli and red chilli are added and meat is cooked according to its type until it’s tenderized properly. Preparation time depends upon the type of meat being used. It is easy to make and great party food. Achar gosht has a sour-saltish taste. It uses achari spices which make it a different meaty dish that we all love to eat. Cooking this recipe is a bit different with other recipes. Achaar gosht is served with hot naans and yoghurt. Achaar gosht recipe is a very tasty and spicy dish from Hyderabadi cuisines.

مزید بیف اور مٹن ریسیپیز
  • achar goosht
  • achaar gosht
  • aachar gosht
Reviews & Comments

My sister loves spicy food so I wanted to make something nice for her. I tried this recipe for achaar gosht and she loved it. I really do appreciate the way this recipe for achaar gosht is written because it is so much illustrated that even a new learner like me can make the dish easily.

  • Shireen, Faisalabad

Achar gosht is a very delicious recipe and very easy to make. I followed this recipe last night and not only was it amazing in my mouth but it also made me decide that I will try all new recipes from here.

  • Mira , karachi

achar gosht mjy pasand ha but jetna mary husband ko pasand ha wo to ashiq ha isky or apny ab new style ma recipe de ha mjy ab to ma unka dil jeet lngi thanks

  • sehrish memon, hyderabad

achar gosht, everybody loved it. And I am kind of nervous and excited too as same level. I am not a chef kind of person. And I don’t cook things normally so I need so much of courage to enter kitchen and make achar gosht.

  • Mrs. Raghib, Faisalabad

I used to follow this website from a very long time and I always get good results but I did not like this one. It was a complete wastage of time and money to make this recipe. Kindly share something good and yummy recipe. It was a very bad experience trying this.

  • fozia, KARACHI