Potli Pulao
Cooking recipe of Potli Pulao, learn easy method to make potli pulao. This recipe has all the quality ingredients of potli pulao, with easy step by step instructions and methods to make and cook potli pulao. Potli Pulao is a Pulao, and listed in the pulao recipes. Potli pulao preparation time is only 15 minutes and making time is just 50 minutes and it serves up to 6 people.
Potli pulao recipe is the very traditional recipe of pulao. In this recipe you will find how to make the best of potli pulao. This recipe will guide you how to make potli pulao by making a bundle of all the spices and then putting it in the skillet. Potli pulao is super easy to make. You can serve potli pulao with salad and raita. Also you can serve potli pulao with green chili pickle or mixed pickle. Enjoy this amazing recipe for potli pulao.
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Meat: 1/2 kg
Rice: 4
Onions: 2
Garlic: 6 cloves
Green Chilies: 6
Ginger: a 1-inch piece
Fresh Mint: 1 bunch
Yogurt: 1 cup
Oil: 1/2 cup
Cumin Seed, Black: 1 teaspoon
Cumin Seed, White: 1 teaspoon
Kewra Water: 1 teaspoon
Pulao Masala: 1 packet (50 grams)
Mixed Pickle: As per requirement
Put the rice to soak and meanwhile cook the meat with garlic cloves, ginger, Pulao Masala, white cumin seed and 4 glasses of water.
When the meat is tender, drain the stock and keep it aside.
In a deep pot, heat the oil, fry the onions, and sprinkle in the black cumin seed.
Add the cooked and drained meat and yogurt, brown well.
Pour the stock back into the pot, and stir in the green chilies and rice.
Cook covered until the rice is almost tender.
Mix in fresh mint, steam until the rice is done.
Sprinkle with kewra water and serve hot with Mixed Pickle.
Posted By:
Tazeen Hassan, Lahore