Kheer By Bajias Recipe - Video Recipe

Kheer By Bajias video is an easy and traditional cooking recipe to prepare at home. It provides you an awesome taste of Desserts Recipes | by Chef Bajias.

Chef Bajias Recipes | 21471 Views

Check out Kheer By Bajias by Chef Bajias only at Find all the video recipes. Kheer By Bajias is one of the famous, easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Desserts Recipes. Also check all Kheer By Bajias of all chefs recipes in Urdu & English.

Full Cream liquid Milk 1 ¼ -1 ½ kg,
Sweetened condensed Milk approx 200gms (1/2 of larger size can)
Thickened Cream 1/2 cup
2 Table spoon Long grain rIce (take new & cheep don't use basmati rIce)
5-6 green Cardamoms- crack them.
Almonds 20-25
Soak rice for 3-4 hrs.

Soak almonds in water overnight or put in microwave for 6-7 min, peal& slice thinly.

Put milk in a deep pot on medium heat, add rice. keep stirring it as it might stick to the bottom of the pan and burn.

Leave the cooking spoon in the cooking pot to avoid spilling over of the milk.

After it has cooked for a while and rice appear soft and mushy in the kheer add sweetened condensed milk according to your taste for sweetness and also add thickened cream.

Don't over cook, just till its thick. Its going to get thicker when placed in fridge so be careful.

Add almonds when its nearly ready!

Pour in a bowl and let it cool down before putting it in the fridge. serve chilled.
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