Loki ki kheer Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Loki ki kheer recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Loki ki kheer recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Ice Cream & Deserts recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Loki ki kheer recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Loki ki kheer
chef Recommended By Chef
time-clock 0:10 To Prep
time-clock 0:30 To Cook
5 Servings
Tips About Recipe

53419 Views 23 Comments

لوکی کی کھیر
ہری لوکی۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ آدھا پاؤ
دودھ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ آدھا لیٹر
چینی۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ آدھا کلو
بادام کی گری۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ایک چھٹانک
کیوڑہ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ایک بڑا چمچ
سبز الائچی۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ چند عدد
ناریل آدھی۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ چھٹانک
پستہ آدھی۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ چھٹانک
لوکی کو چھیل کر کدوکش کر لیں، ایک دیگچے میں یہ لچھے ڈال دیں۔ اور ہلکی آنچ پر انہیں اپنے پانی میں ہی گلنے دیں۔ گل جائے تو دودھ ، سبز الائچی کے دانے اور پھینٹی ہوئی بالائی شامل کر دیں۔ چمچ چلاتے رہیں پکنے لگے تو چینی ڈال دیں پانی خشک ہو جائے ۔ شیرہ گاڑھا ہو جائے۔ اور جذب ہونے لگے تو بادام پستہ اور ناریل کو باریک کر کے ڈال دیں کیوڑا بھی ساتھ ہی ملا دیں۔ کھیر کی شکل بننے لگے تو دم پر رکھ دیں کھیر کو طباق میں نکالیں، ورق لگائیں۔ پستہ بادام چھڑکیں اور شوق فرمائیں۔
Posted By: Sanam, karachi

Find out the Loki ki kheer Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Ice Cream & Deserts. Loki ki kheer is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Loki ki kheer and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Loki ki kheer

Loki ki Kheer is a refreshing sweet recipe made with Loki (Bottle gourd), milk and other spices. It may be termed another name of freshness. While you eat it, you will realize that you are liking it most among all sweets you have been eating yet.

Loki Ki Kheer (Bottle Gourd Dessert) is a very refreshing, aromatic, and a superbly sapid recipe based on bottle gourd and milk. Bottle gourd is the essence of the recipe whereas other spices like cardamoms, almonds, pistachios, sugar, milk and coconut are used to enhance the taste. It is one of the top sweet desserts of Pakistan. You must enjoy it as an after-meal food.

Reviews & Comments

Loki ki kheer recipe is the best coolants that we can make this Eid, especially since it is very hot this year and loki is known for its cooling effects. I recommend everyone to try loki ki kheer it is very delicious and works best during summers!

  • yasin hasan, hyderabad

Loki ki kheer is extensively beneficial during summer days, especially since it helps cool down the body. I love how delicious this loki ki kheer recipe is and I always make it for my family during Ramadan.

  • Nargis, karachi

Lauki ka halwa and lauki kheer are amazing sweets. I have a sweet tooth from beginning, since I grew up. My mother makes very tasteful halwa and kheer recipes. When I ate lauki kheer first time, it was so tasty that I remembered it and asked my mom to make it again.

  • Hina Mahir, Faisalabad

Cooking is my hobby and I always love trying innovative and tasty recipes. So I thought of trying this loki ki kheer as well. Its taste was literally delicious and mouthwatering

  • Shabana, Islamabad

I am a foodie and I love eating and cooking food of every type. I tried this one for making loki ki kheer as well and believe you in me that it was really outclass and flavorsome.

  • Sadaf, shikarpur