Aloo Palak Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Aloo Palak recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Aloo Palak recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Vegetables & Pulses recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Aloo Palak recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Aloo Palak
chef Recommended By Chef
time-clock 0:15 To Prep
time-clock 0:30 To Cook
6 Servings
Tips About Recipe

110103 Views 64 Comments

آلو پالک
تازہ پالک آدھ کلو
آلو آدھ کلو
تیل چار کھانے کے چمچ
پیاز باریک کٹا ہوا ایک عدد
لہسن چار جوئے
تازہ ادرک کترا ہوا ایک انچ
تازہ سبز مرچ باریک کٹی ہوئی دو عدد
خشک لال مرچ کٹی ہوئی دو عدد
زیرہ (ثابت) ایک چائے کا چمچ
ٹماٹر باریک کٹے ہوئے دو عدد
نمک حسب ذائقہ
آلوؤں کو دھو کر چار ٹکڑے کر لیں۔ پالک چن کر کاٹ لیں ۔ تیل گرم کریں اور آلوؤں کو براؤن کر لیں۔ ایک چمچ کے سوا باقی تمام تیل نکال دیں اور اس میں زیرہ، ادرک، لہسن، سرخ مرچ ، پیاز، سبز مرچیں اور لال مرچ کٹی ہوئی فرائی کر یں۔ جب پیاز سنہری ہونے لگیں تو آلو اور نمک شامل کر یں اور اتنی دیر تک پکائیں جب تک کہ آلو گل جائیں۔ پالک شامل کر یں اور اچھی طرح مکس کر یں، جب پالک گل جائے تو اس پر کٹے ہوئے ٹماٹر ڈالیں اور گرم گر م کھائیں۔
Posted By: Bena, karachi

Find out the Aloo Palak Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Vegetables & Pulses. Aloo Palak is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Aloo Palak and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Aloo Palak

Aloo Palak recipe is cooked with cubes of potatoes, chopped spinach, garlic, ginger, salt, red chilli, green chillies, tomatoes, and onions. Aloo Palak recipe is light and healthy to consume due to its amazing ingredients like spinach which is rich in iron and proteins. Cooked in desi ingredients give this dish a perfect aromatic delicious taste. Aloo Palak recipe can be cooked in dry and curry form as per your taste preferences. Firstly Aloo is cooked with spices and then spinach is added. When both potatoes and spinach are properly cooked then tomatoes are added in the end and served hot. Aloo Palak recipe can be served with Roti or Chapatti along with Raita or salad at lunch or dinner. It’s a nutritious vegetarian recipe originating from the Indian subcontinent. This recipe is mostly cooked in a winter season. Dhabba and other local restaurants also serve this delicious recipe in their menu.

If we say that potato and spinach are the two vegetables cooked in every home in our country, it wouldn't be wrong. It's true that both of these vegetables are cooked the most; our moms and sisters can cook them in hundreds of ways.

When we talk about potatoes, we have recipes of alu palak, aloo ki bhujia, aloo paratha, aloo baingan, alu gosht, khatte aalu and aloo pulao.

On the other hand, if we look at palak recipes, we have palak paneer, palak gosht, palak kofta, palak pakore, chicken palak and keema palak.

Cooking them both together provides us with a palak aloo sabzi which is very tasteful and popular dish in Pakistan. The recipe provided here gives the basic aalu palak however there are yet many ideas to to cook both of these veggies together.

So for today, cook the basic potato spinach and later come back to for more recipes.

مزید سبزیاں اور دالیں ریسیپیز
  • aloo palak recipe in urdu
Reviews & Comments

wow it looks very tasty and looks really good. It will be easy to make and great in taste. I must try this recipe. aloo palak is already my favorite and this is very nice method for making it.

  • Laila,

Goodness. I don''t make food however yesterday I made it on the request of my mom . I diminished the flavors quality however yield was delicious.

  • Tahira khurram,

My most loved recipe is Aloo Palak Recipe, I love it when it is chilled. My mother and younger sister made Aloo Palak Recipe with this formula so I thought to audit it. It was marvelous, I am needing it over and over.

  • Huma Sabir,

My mother makes aloo palak dish with boiled and ground spinach. She makes all the masala first and cooks the potatoes first. She adds the spinach at the end. It also gives a nice texture to the gravy. I love the combination of both of these iron-rich vegetables.

  • Meraal, Karachi

Aloo Palak is a very healthy and nutritious recipe and eveyone loves it at my place. I gave it a differnt flavour this time by trying this recipe for aloo palak.

  • Fizza Faisal, Okara