Snow peas: (snow mattar)

Snow peas meaning in Urdu is snow mattar and is a tropical Vegetables celebrated for its unique flavor and color. In Urdu, Snow peas "snow mattar" is referred to as "اسنومٹر" This delicious Vegetables is cherished for its nutritional value and versatility in culinary delights.

Snow peas Also Known asMange touts, Sugar peas, Chinese pea pods.Snow Peas are edible podded peas with the best features of snap beans (tender and crispy) and garden peas (sweet and meaty). The plant grows very well in slightly cold climates. Seeds are sown in early spring and fall. The plant begins to produce peas quickly and in large quantity, about 70 days after sowing. Edible pods mature quickly and should be picked for vegetable use when young. The snow pea is a legume, more specifically a variety of pea eaten whole in its pod while still unripe. These are all flat-podded peas which are hand picked and are the kind that is always eaten pod and all. The secret of really enjoying this vegetable is to pick the pods while they are on the young side. All you have to do is to top and tail them. A truly wonderful vegetable if fresh; frozen snow peas simply miss out on all the qualities of their fresh cousins. Snow peas are similar to fresh green peas, but much more delicate. The pod is the main attraction crisp, tender and bright green.

 Green peas (1 kg): 280 Calories

Snow peas meaning in Urdu:

Snow peas known in Pakistan and India as snow mattar, and it's meaning in Urdu is "اسنومٹر". Where English translation of snow mattar is Snow peas.

snow mattar meaning in English

The word snow mattar meaning in English is "Snow peas", Words often carry multiple meanings in English but the accurate translation of "snow mattar" is "Snow peas" In Urdu, it is written as "اسنومٹر". Similar words to "snow mattar" are often used in everyday conversations.

Snow peas Price :

The price of Snow peas (snow mattar) may vary depending on the brand and quantity.

Frequently Asked Questions on Snow peas

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Snow peas:

What is meaning of Snow peas in Urdu?

Snow peas Meanings in Urdu is known as "اسنومٹر".

What is snow mattar meaning in English?

snow mattar in English is "Snow peas".

What is the price of Snow peas?

The price of Snow peas may vary depending on the brand and quantity.

How should Snow peas be stored?

Snow peas should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. This helps maintain their freshness and prevents them from becoming stale.

Snow peas Recipes
sahar abid,
Parveen Shaik, Lahore
SANA MIR, Karachi
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