Dhaba Karahi Gosht Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Dhaba Karahi Gosht recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Dhaba Karahi Gosht recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Special Pakistani Dishes recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Dhaba Karahi Gosht recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Dhaba Karahi Gosht
chef Recommended By Chef
time-clock 0:10 To Prep
time-clock 0:45 To Cook
6 Servings
Tips About Recipe

138065 Views 16 Comments

Dhaba Karahi Gosht vidhi

Murghi ya bakry ka gosht ……1 Kilo
Tail ……………1 Cup
Payaz ……………1 Adad
Tamatar ………2 Adad
Lehson , Adrak ( Pisa hua ) ………2 Table spoon
Namak …………1 Tea Spoon
Lal Mirch ( Pisi hui ) ………1 Tea Spoon
Bhuna Kata sabit dhanya aur Kata Zera .....½ Table Spoon
Adrak Lambi bareek kati hui ……… 2 Spoon
Kali Mirch ( Kati Hui )………1 Tea Spoon
Hara Dhanya ( Sajawat K liay )
Lemo ka Rus ………1 Adad

Banane ki tarkeeb

Sb se pehle tail gram kr k payaz ko lal krain phr us main murghi dal kr bhony halki sunehri ho jay phir adrak lehson ( pisa hua ) shamil krain halka bhon kr bareek katy tamatar dal kr itni bhony k tamatar gal jay aur chilka naza na aye . phr namak , lal mich dal kr bhuna kata dhanya aur zeera adrak kati hui aur moti kali mirch dal kr akhir main lemo ka rus dal kr dam pr 10 mint dhak kr chor dain . Nikalne se pehle hara dhanya dal dain ..
Lejiay ghar bethy dhaba karahi ka maza sath main raita aur sadi kati payaz zaror rakhiaye .

ڈھابا کڑاھی گوشت
مرغی یا بکرے کا گوشت............. ١ کلو
تیل............. ١ پیالی
پیاز.............. ١ عدد
ٹماٹر.......... ٢ عدد
لھسن ادرک پسا............. ٢ کھانے کے چمچ
نمک.......... ١ چائے کا چمچ
لال پسی مرچ........... ١ چائے کا چمچ
بھنا کٹا ثابت دھنیا اور بھنا کٹا زیرا............. ڈیڑھ کھانے کا چمچ
ادرک لمبی باریک کٹی۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ٢ چمچ
کٹی کالی مرچ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ ١ چائے کا چمچ
ھرا دھنیا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ سجاوٹ کے لے
١ لیموں کا رس
سب سے پھلے آئل گرم کرکے پیاز کو لال کریں پھر اس میں مرغی ڈال کربھونیں۔
ھلکی سنھری ہو جائے توپسا ادرک لہسن شامل کریں۔
ہلکا سا بھون کرباریک کٹے ٹماٹر ڈال کر اتنا بھونیں کہ ٹماٹر گل جائے اور چھلکا نظر نہ آئے۔
پھر نمک لال مرچ ڈال کر بھنا کٹا دھنیا اور زیرا ادرک کٹی ھوئی اور موٹی کٹی کالی مرچ ڈال کر آخر میں لیموں کا رس ڈال کر دم پر 10 منٹ ڈھک کر چھوڑدیں۔
نکالنے سے پہلے ھرا دھنیا ڈال دیں۔
لیجیے گھر بیٹھے ڈھابا کڑاھی کا مزا لیجیے ساتھ میں رائتہ اورسادی کٹی پیاز ضرور رکھیے۔

اپنی رائے سے ضرور آگاہ کریں۔ مزید بیشمار ترکیبوں کو حاصل کرنے کے لیے بتائیے۔
Posted By: un known,

Find out the Dhaba Karahi Gosht Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Special Pakistani Dishes. Dhaba Karahi Gosht is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Dhaba Karahi Gosht and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Dhaba Karahi Gosht

Dhaba Karahi Gosht recipe is one of the most desi roadside Karahi recipes which have a very unique taste. Delicious mouthwatering Dhaba Karahi Gosht recipe can be made with either chicken or mutton. Its cooking time depends on what kind of meat is being used for Karahi. It is spicy due to the ingredients like crushed red chili, green chili and tomatoes. You can serve Dhaba Karahi Gosht recipe with the sliced onions, and raita along with hot Naan or Chapatti. In dhabas or roadside hotels all over Pakistan, it is a popular demanded item. Dhaba karahhi gosht is one of the best dishes available in Pakistan. Dhaba karahi gosht. It is almost available at every restaurant in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar. It is a speciality the northern areas of Pakistan. Dhaba karahi gosht tastes best with mutton. You can also make salad with dhaba karahi gosht. The addition of charbi makes this dish heavenly. You may serve it in dawats. This recipe can also be added to the list of Eid Ul Azha recipes. Hope You like the recipe of Dhaba Karahi gosht.

مزید پاکستانی کھانے ریسیپیز
  • koyla karahi
Reviews & Comments

Can you please provide the method of this recipe in English ??

  • sara,

Wow it is my favorite Dhaba Karahi Gosht recipe . I have always recommended that make Karahi Gosht because this is the real form of karahi. No other karahi recipe can match it''s taste. I have tried it myself.

  • Sana,

Good recipe for Dhaba Karahi Gosht. I missed the water however yet it despite everything turned out heavenly. Very easy to follow. Will make once more. Excited to attempt new recipe from this web page!

  • filza,

Dhaba Karahi Gosht is the most unique and tasty dish .. it is my one of the most loving dish .. my mum make it tasty . its flavors and fixings is scrumptious and I likewise attempt to made it with the help of this site.. I was looked through it here and I get it effectively entire recipe of Dhaba Karahi Gosht

  • iqra hassan,

wow thats look amazing and I think there is no dish more tastier then DHABA KARAHI GOSHT this is delicious recipe I am going to make it this sunday thanks for providing it .

  • simran, karachi