Namkeen Karahi Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Namkeen Karahi recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Namkeen Karahi recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Beef & Mutton recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Namkeen Karahi recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Namkeen Karahi
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نمکین کڑاہی
مٹن ۔۔ ایک سے آدھا کلو
چربی ۔۔ آدھا پاؤ
نمک ۔۔ حسب زوق
کالی مرچ ۔۔ حسب زوق
ٹماٹر ۔۔ آدھا کلو
گھی ۔۔ ایک پاؤ
ایک کڑاہی گھی گرم کر کے اس میں مٹن اور چربی ڈال کر تھوڑا پکائیں۔ اب اس میں نمک کالی مرچ، ٹماٹر اور آدھا گلاس پانی ڈال دیں۔ جب پانی خشک ہوجائے تو بھون کر اتارلیں۔ ادرک اور ہری مرچ سے گارنش کر کے سرو کریں۔
Saadat Siddiqui ,Posted By: rija malik,

Find out the Namkeen Karahi Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Beef & Mutton. Namkeen Karahi is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Namkeen Karahi and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Namkeen Karahi

Namkeen Karahi - Usually Karahi recipes are spicy but this is the only karahai which is not as much spicy as people think. This is the special dish of Peshawar known as namkeen Karahi that is specially brought to you from the desk of Pakistan’s famous chef Saadat. So let’s try this recipe and give your comments.

So now you have enjoyed the recipe of namkeen karahi, it's time to try the famous Pakistan salty chicken: namkeen chicken recipe by - You will be surely having a great time with it.

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Reviews & Comments

hi and salam, when i started cooking, i made this Namkeen Karahi given at i suggest you all that if you want beef & mutton recipes, search on this website. This is the best place for cooking recipes.

  • Manar, Karachi