Aloo Pulao Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Aloo Pulao recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Aloo Pulao recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Rice, Biryani, & Pulao recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Aloo Pulao recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Aloo Pulao
chef Recommended By Chef
time-clock 00:10 To Prep
time-clock 00:40 To Cook
4 Servings
Tips About Recipe

64422 Views 28 Comments

آلو پلاؤ
آلو ایک کلو
گھی ایک پاؤ
نمک چھٹانک
لہسن 10جوئے
چاول ایک کلو
گرم مصالحہ دو تولہ
ادرک ایک عدد
آلو ابال کر چھیل لیں اور انہیں گھی میں تل کر الگ رکھ لیں۔ ادرک اور لہسن کو باریک پیس لیں پیاز تلیں جب وہ گلابی ہو جائے تو ادرک، لہسن اور گرم مصالحہ ڈال کر تلیں بھن جائے تو چاول اور آلو ڈال کر تھوڑی دیر بھونیں اور پانی ڈال دیں۔ جب پانی خشک ہو جائے تو دم پر لگا دیں
Posted By: ~sadia~,

Find out the Aloo Pulao Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Rice, Biryani, & Pulao. Aloo Pulao is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Aloo Pulao and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Aloo Pulao

Here is a simple Aaloo Pulao recipe where you have to golden fry the onions, add the spices, potatoes, oil, and saute for some time and finally add Basmati rice and water to cook the dish. You can also add chicken broth if you want. Aaloo Pulao is a light, healthy and nutritious recipe because of the cumin, pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, curry leaves and all the healthy ingredients. You can serve it with salad, raita, pickle or even tomato chutney prepared at home as a main course meal. Aaloo Pulao is a traditional food item of the South Asian countries, mostly originated from the Indian subcontinent. The recipe is a variation of the non-veg Biryani and Pulao that the vegetarian Hindus could not consume. So the idea of Aloo Pulao came into existence using the same spices and recipe without meat or chicken for the vegetarians. Aaloo Pulao recipe is equally popular in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh for the Muslims. It is a light and delicious recipe which everyone loves to eat.

مزید چاول٬ بریانی اور پلاؤ ریسیپیز
  • Pulao
  • palao
  • pawlao
  • paluo
  • palaw
  • paalao
Reviews & Comments

I had some leftover boiled potatoes so I made this Aloo pulao out of them. The recipe really helped me to make a nice Aloo pulao. I served with green chutney. I just reduced the ingredients according to my need.

  • Faiza, Karachi

My children gave this recipe 10 on 10, my boys loved the aalu pulao as they love potatoes and were fed up of eating traditional tahiri, so this aalu pulao recipe helped me to make my boys happy. Thank you for this recipe.

  • Sufia Ali, Faisalabad

Ever since I was a child, dishes that had potatoes in it were my favorite. My mother used to always make aloo pulao and now it's my time to make it. I used this easy recipe to make aloo pulao and turns out it came out just as delicious.

  • Mehnaz, hyderabad

When it comes to eating healthy, I think aloo pulao is something that we should definitely eat! I just made it and it tastes so delicious that I couldn't help but comment right now on how good it is. I have never regretted trying out recipes from this website.

  • Nimerah, lahore

Aloo pulao recipe has hit home for me because I live abroad and there's no way to have proper home cooked meal here.

  • Asif, Canada