Meat Loaf with Potato Crust

Find easy and simple Meat Loaf with Potato Crust Recipe with a fusion of traditional and contemporary flavors. Meat Loaf with Potato Crust is a common dish to find in Beef & Mutton Recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Meat Loaf with Potato Crust recipe with available user-friendly instructions in English Recipes.

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Mince beef 400 grams
Onion (finely cut) 1
Garlic cloves (finely cut) 4
Curry powder 2 tsp
Red chillies 1 tsp (crushed)
Spring onions (finely cut) ¼ cup
Eggs (beaten) 4
Bread crumbs 2 cups
Salt to taste
Oil 4 tsp
For potato topping:
Potatoes (boiled) 400 grams
Black pepper powder ¼ tsp
Salt to taste
Oil 2 tbsp
How to make Meat Loaf with Potato Crust


• Heat oil in wok and lightly fry mince, onion and garlic.
• Add curry powder, salt, red chillies and little water and bring to boil.
• Lower flame and keep in dum.
• Add spring onions and put in a bowl to cool.
• Mix breadcrumbs in eggs and mix into meat mixture.
• Spread meat mixture in a baking dish.
• Bake in a pre-heated oven to 180°c for 30 minutes.
• Boil potatoes, retain ¼ water in which they have been boiled.
• Mash potatoes in the water, add topping ingredients.
• Fill potato mixture into a piping bag and decorate baked mince with it.
• Bake for 15 minutes.
Posted By: sumbal, karachi

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