Fish Soup Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Fish Soup recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Fish Soup recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Soup recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Fish Soup recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Fish Soup
chef Recommended By Chef
time-clock 00:10 To Prep
time-clock 00:25 To Cook
As Desired Servings
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مچھلی کا سوپ
مچلی کلوگرام
ادرک 10گرام
لہسن 20گرام
پیاز 200گرام
ثابت سرخ مرچیں ایک عدد
لیموں ایک عدد
ہلدی چائے کا چمچ
ناریل کا دودھ ایک کپ
لیموں خشک چھلکا تھوڑا سا
نمک حسب ذائقہ
گھی حسب ضرورت
پانی ایک کپ
ادرک اور پیاز چھیل کر باریک کترلیں ۔لہسن چھیل کر کچل لیں سرخ مرچ ثابت کو باریک کتر لیں ، لیموں کے چھلکے کو باریک پیس لیں۔لیموں کا عرق نکال لیں ۔پھر مچھلی کو خوب اچھی طرح صاف کر کے پانی کے ساتھ دھوئیں اور اس کے چھوٹے چھوٹے قتلے بنالیں ۔ایک برتن میں گھی ڈال کر چولہے پر رکھیں ۔گھی گرم ہوجائے تواس میں لہسن اور پیاز ڈال کر سنہری کریں پھر اس میں ادرک ڈال دیں ۔ایک منٹ کے بعد پانی اور لیموں کا عرق ڈالیں ۔آنچ ہلکی کریں اور پکنے دیں پانچ منٹ کے بعد نمک ،مرچ ، لیموں کا پسا ہوا چھلکا اور ہلدی ڈال کر دس منٹ تک پکائیں پھر اس میں نا ریل کا دودھ ڈال کر پانچ منٹ تک پکنے دیں آخر میں مچھلی کے قتلے ڈال کر ڈھکن اٹھا کر دیکھیں ۔اگر مچھلی اچھی طرح گل گئی ہے تو چولہے سے نیچے اتار لیں اور گہری ڈش میں ڈال کر دستر خوان پر لگائیں ۔یہ بنگلہ دیشی سٹائل کا سوپ ہے۔
Posted By: Zainab, karachi

Find out the Fish Soup Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Soup. Fish Soup is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Fish Soup and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Fish Soup

Fish soup recipe is very important for your health. Fish soup contains many essential nutrients, like omega-3 fatty acids and high quality proteins, which are extremely important for the proper nourishment and growth for all age groups. Here we are presenting a simple fish soup recipe which you can easily make at home. This simple fish soup recipe is not only good for children but also elders. You must try this simple and tasty fish soup recipe and indulge in the exotic flavour and nutritional benefits. Many children and even elders do not like to eat fish. So you can serve this simple fish soup recipe to them which is tasty and healthy. In winters, especially, this simple fish soup recipe becomes very popular and trending. You can find it only in a few good restaurants or hotel depending upon the cuisine you prefer.You can add vegetables of your choice to enhance the flavour and serve it with ketchup, crushed mint leaves and boiled eggs.

Reviews & Comments

This is a wonderful wonderful recipe. I changed it a bit by adding a teaspoon of cajun seasoning and I used fresh fish (cooked it much longer than recommended with the bones, then took the bones out and returned chunks of meat back into the soup).

  • Mehnaz, New york

This was much better the more days in the fridge where the fish could soak up the seasoning. It made for a nice light fish soup. I have two young boys and they loved the fish soup.

  • Ainy, Sukker

This is one of the most healthy recipes here. Fish is a very healthy delicacy that when combined with soup turns into a boost for the immune system in the shape of fish soup.

  • Kashmala, Kashmir

hmm its yummy i like it too much this is really very much nice thanks for sharing this recipe.

  • yasmeen, islamabad

this is the 1st time i come to know that there is such a fish soup recipe may i will try it this Comeing sunday.

  • umaima, islamabad