Chicken hazari kebab recipe is for all those people who love to cook something new for their families. Chicken hazari kebab is super easy to make. This recipe for Chicken hazari kebab is very helpful and very much illustrated. Chicken hazari kebab has a flavor of Hazara. The people of Hazara love to have beef or mutton at their dinners. Chicken hazari kebab really fulfills their taste buds. Chicken hazari kebab is a traditional recipe of Hazara. Chicken hazari kebab is made with chicken. You can add spices according to your taste. Chicken hazari kebab can be served with roti and different kinds of chutneys. You can have Chicken hazari kebab as a main course meal. Chicken hazari kebab will taste heaven if eating without any condiment because Chicken hazari kebab itself is very juicy and tasty. Hope you find this recipe for Chicken hazari kebab very quick and easy to make.
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