Besan ki Roti Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Besan ki Roti recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Besan ki Roti recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Special Pakistani Dishes recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Besan ki Roti recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Besan ki Roti
chef Recommended By Chef
time-clock 0:15 To Prep
time-clock 0:15 To Cook
2 Servings
Tips About Recipe

60353 Views 16 Comments

بیسن کی روٹی
بیسن ایک کپ
نمک حسب ضرور ت
ہری مرچ چار عدد
پیاز ایک عدد
باریک کٹی ہوئی ٹماٹر ایک عدد
ہلدی آدھی چمچ
زیرہ ایک چٹکی
تیل تلنے کے لیے
کٹی مرچ آدھی چمچ
سب سے پہلے پیاز ہری مرچ اور ٹماٹر باریک کاٹ لیں ۔
ایک برتن میں بیسن لیں ا س میں تمام مصالحہ شامل کریں ۔
اب پانی شامل کردیں۔
سب کو اچھی طرح مکس کر لیں۔
توے پہ تیل گرم کرکے بیسن کو ردٹی کی طرح فرائی کر لیں۔
ٹماٹر کی چٹنی اوررائتہ کے ساتھ سرو کریں۔
Posted By: kashif,

Find out the Besan ki Roti Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Special Pakistani Dishes. Besan ki Roti is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Besan ki Roti and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Besan ki Roti

Besan ki Roti Recipe is one of the essential parts of Pakistan's traditional dishes, especially the favourite one in Punjab. It is served with namkeen lassi and chutni for a more delicious taste. Check out more unique and best Pakistani recipes from top cooking experts and best chefs. Besan or Gram flour is one of the key items used in Pakistani kitchens. After the use of regular flour, gram flour is vastly used to make different kinds of recipes. Besan employment ranges from spicy foods to sweets and puddings. Once it is found in the kitchen, you have lots of options. Make besan kababs, besan dahi baray, besan laddu or besan halwa, whatever you like.

Tip for Frying:

For more better understanding, see the procedure given in this recipe:

Besan or Gram flour is one of the key items used in Pakistani kitchens. After the use of regular flour, gram flour is vastly used to make different kinds of recipes. Besan employment ranges from spicy foods to sweets and puddings. Once it is found in the kitchen, you have lots of options. Make either besan kababs, besan dahi baray, besan laddu or besan halwa, whatever you like. Here offers a simple but wonderful besan ki roti recipe in Urdu which can be cooked without any considerable effort. Besan roti recipe uses besan (gram flour), green chili, onions, tomatoes, turmeric powder, ground chili and oil for frying. All these ingredients except gram flour are chopped and ground and then added to gram flour. Then water is added and kneaded to form roti and then fried.

This roti is also helpful for diabetics patients and often doctors recommend besan loaf or besun roti to patients suffering with diabetes. It is also a recommended food for weight loss, so if you are looking to reduce your weight, you can consider it in your diet. offers besan ki roti recipe from Pakistani cuisine. Learn the recipe and try a different taste of roti.

مزید پاکستانی کھانے ریسیپیز
  • Missi Roti
  • Besan ki Roti Recipe Pakistani in Urdu
Reviews & Comments

This recipe turned out really well. It is a great way to have fun in the kitchen if you have the extra time.

  • Rehan, Lahore

Bht shukrya, asan tarkeeb btae h

  • Sidra bilal , Dera ghazi khan

My grandmother used to say that besan ki roti should be eaten with garlic chatni in flu because it heals it fast. I had flu and I made besan ki roti by this recipe. It really helped me. Thanks to my grandmom and then thanks to you for sharing the recipe.

  • Sana, Kashmir

This paratha if served with red garlic chutney will taste heaven. Also sprinkle some lemon over the parathas will give them a better taste. They were very tasty just a little bit variation will make them nicer.

  • Saif, Larkana

Many say that besan ki roti is better than the usual roti because this has more nutrients but I just love it for its yummy taste. I love how easy it is so prepare and takes the same time as making the usual roti.

  • Safwan, karachi