Aam Ka Murabba Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Aam Ka Murabba recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Aam Ka Murabba recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Ice Cream & Deserts recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Aam Ka Murabba recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Aam Ka Murabba
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آم کا مربع
کچا آم-------------- 1/2کلو
چینی---------------- 1/2کلو
لونگ-------------------- 2عدد
بڑی الائچی--------------- 2عدد
کٹی لال مرچ-------------- 2چائے کے چمچے
لیموں کا رس-------------- 1چائے کا چمچہ
شیشے کی بوتل------------ 1عدد
لہسن (چاپ)--------------- 1کھانے کا چمچہ
کچے آم کو کاٹ کر گھٹلی الگ کرکے اُبال لیں۔پھر الگ برتن میں چینی، الائچی ، لونگ اور پانی شامل کرکے پکا لیں۔ساتھ ہی لیموں کا رس بھی شامل کردیں۔جب گاڑھا شیرا تیار ہوجائے تو ابلے ہوئے آم شامل کرکے مزید پکالیں۔ گاڑھا پن آجائے تو بوتل میں بھر کر سرو کریں۔
Chef Ruby Taj,Posted By: saniya,

Find out the Aam Ka Murabba Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Ice Cream & Deserts. Aam Ka Murabba is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Aam Ka Murabba and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Aam Ka Murabba

When there are mangoes, there are hundreds of foods related to mangoes. Aam Ka Murabba is a delicious sweet recipe which is prepared in summers as mangoes come. Here is the recipe of Aam (Mango) Ka Murabba in Urdu by Chef Ruby Taj.

Aam Ka Murabba or Mango Preserve is the sweetest way to enjoy mangoes. Mangoes come in summers and vanish in saawan (first month of rainy season probably August). Making murabba recipe allows you to preserve mangoes to use in later months. The recipe is very popular in Pakistan and India. Major chefs of the sub continent have introduced this recipe in their own ways. Use it with loaf or bread or eat it with spoon, all ways, it's taste will rock you!

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Reviews & Comments

Aam ka murabba recipe is an absolute genius as the murabba can be used in many different amazing ways. Not to mention that by using this recipe, the puree can last for months, which means infinite dishes!

  • Sahira, karachi

I made this murabba for my kids as they are very fond of eating murabba so this time I thought of making homemade murabba for them. I did so with this recipe and it was outclass indeed.

  • Fahim, Gulshan Colony

Making aam ka murabba was worst experience of my life. It was very bad in taste. Kindly try to share tasty and delicious recipes. It will be a great favor from your side.

  • Sohana, Goa

I still remember the days when we use to make aam ka muraba in summer. i will try your recipe as I don’t remember how my mother use to make it.

  • Binyamin, Venice

I still remember the days when we use to make aam ka muraba in summer. i will try your recipe as I don’t remember how my mother use to make it.

  • Ghosia, Sahiwal