Hunter Beef In American Style
Find easy and simple Hunter Beef In American Style Recipe with a fusion of traditional and contemporary flavors. Hunter Beef In American Style is a common dish to find in Beef & Mutton Recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Hunter Beef In American Style recipe with available user-friendly instructions in English Recipes.
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3 kg —— beef, carved in bread shape
2 tsp —— kulmi shora (crystallized salt petre)
3 tsp —— black pepper
4 black ilaichi (Cardamom)
3 tbs —— lemon juice
Brown suger ----2 tbs
Salt to taste..
How to make Hunter Beef In American Style
Wash the meat and dry. Ground all the spices.
Add all spices in lemon juice to make paste. Rub the paste on meat.
Place it in a glass or stainless steel container and cover it. Place the bowl in the fridge for one day.
Next day get the meat out and sort of massage the meat for half an hour so that it absorbs the paste.
Once again put the meat back in the fridge.
On 3rd day remove the meat loaf from the fridge and tie it with a strong string.
Place the meat in a large pot & put 2 cups of water in the pot (not on the meat loaf).
Cook it over low heat for 2 to 3 hours or until the water is absorbed.
Hunter beef ready to serve
Usually unter beef is use to make sandwich, burgers or take a bite with soft drinks. :)
Posted By:
Aneela, Karachi