French Soup Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious French Soup recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. French Soup recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Soup recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating French Soup recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

French Soup
chef Recommended By Chef
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فرنچ سوپ
مکھن--------------- 2کھانے کے چمچے
سفید مرچ--------------- 1چائے کا چمچہ
چینی------------- 1کھانے کا چمچہ
میدہ------------- 1کھانے کا چمچہ
پیاز------------ 1عدد
فرنچ لوف--------------- 1عدد
چکن اسٹاک------------- 4کپ
نمک-------------- حسبِ ذوق
مکھن میں پیاز براﺅن کریں۔پھر اس میں میدہ ڈال کر بھون لیں۔ساتھ ہی چکن کی یخنی ڈال دیں۔
اب چینی کوجلا کر کیریمل بنائیں۔
سوپ میں کیریمل ، نمک اور مرچیں ڈال کر باﺅل میں نکالیں۔
اوپر سے فرنچ لوف کے سلائس کاٹ کر ڈالیں اور چیز شامل کرکے گرل کرلیں۔
فرنچ انین سوپ تیا ر ہے۔
Chef Sara Riaz,Posted By: sidra,

Find out the French Soup Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Soup. French Soup is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find French Soup and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

French Soup

French Soup in Urdu is an easy and traditional cooking recipe to prepare at home. It provides you an awesome taste of Soup by Chef Sara Riaz.

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Reviews & Comments

Hey kfoods chef, can you teach me French Soup recipe in step by step? I am a bit slow learner therefore i go with clearer and explained deeper recipes. Have been cooking soup recipes for long time but i always look for step by step recipes.

  • Madeeha, Sialkot