Dal and rice dhokla
Find easy and simple Dal and rice dhokla Recipe with a fusion of traditional and contemporary flavors. Dal and rice dhokla is a common dish to find in Gujarati Recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Dal and rice dhokla recipe with available user-friendly instructions in English Recipes.
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3 cups rice
1 cup black gram dal
1 cup curd
6 green chilies
1 tsp. grounded ginger
A pinch of asafoetida
Salt to taste
1 tbsp. ghee
1/2 tsp. soda bicarbonate
1/2 tbsp. black pepper (coarse)
How to make Dal and rice dhokla
Wash dal and rice together. Spread on a cloth and allow to dry in the sun. Grind coarsely. Mix warm water and curd in a bowl. Add the grinded mixture and mix well. Cover tightly and set aside for 6 to 8 hours. When fermented, add ground chilies, ginger, salt and asafetida. Mix well. Mix 1 tbsp. of ghee and soda into the batter. Pour a cupful of batter immediately onto a greased thali, sprinkle with Chilli powder and steam for 15 minutes. steam the remaining batter in a similar fashion till finished. When cool, cut into squares and place in a serving plate
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sadi khan, karachi