Chicken Popcorn

Chicken Popcorn is a yummy dish. you may prepare this recipe in a very less time with less efort. So try this best recipe that is specially brought to you from the desk of Chef Asad.

single recipe
chef Recommended By Chef
time-clock 0:10 To Prep
time-clock 0:15 To Cook
As Desired Servings
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• Chicken boneless 250 gm
• Flour 4 tbsp
• Mustard powder 1 tp
• Black pepper 1 tsp
• Salt to taste
• Sugar 1 tsp
• Onion powder or chiciken spice powder 1 tbsp
• Egg 2
• Bread slice 8
How to make Chicken Popcorn


In a bowl put chicken, mustard powder, black pepper, salt and onion powder mix all.
In flour add mustard powder, black pepper, salt, sugar, onion or chicken spice powder mix it.
Grind bread slice to make crumbs.
Take chicken roll in to flour then dip in egg then flour and again in egg.
Fry till golden, cut into small pieces
Serve with ketchup and french dip.
Posted By: Naheed,

Check out the tastiest Chicken Popcorn recipe only at kfoods. Find Chicken Recipes & all the recipes of all the chefs. Chicken Popcorn is famous for its best and unmatchable taste. Also you can check Chicken Popcorn. recipe in Urdu only at

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Reviews & Comments

My uncle is a partial chef, whenever he comes from London, he cooks chicken popcorn and very tasty chicken recipes for all of us. We wonder how can he make tastier foods than women. Even our aunty can't cook so delicious foods.

  • Hizaqat, Peshawar