Short Muslim Girl Names with Meaning 2024

The process of choosing a name for your newborn baby is a momentous decision, one that carries profound significance in many cultures, including Islam. Muslim parents often look for names that reflect their faith and have positive meanings. Short Muslim girl names with deep significance are a popular choice among Muslim families. These names are not only easy to pronounce and remember but also carry beautiful meanings that are culturally and religiously significant. In this article, we will explore a variety of short Muslim girl names and their meanings, helping you find the perfect name for your little one.

Short Muslim Girl Names with Meaning 2024

Short Islamic Girl Names with Meaning

Short Islamic girl names are cherished not only for their simplicity but also for the deep meaning they carry. These names are a source of identity and inspiration, shaping a girl's character and values. Here are some short Muslim girl names with their meanings:

Aaliyah (exalted, high)

Aaliyah is a beautiful and feminine Muslim girl name that means "exalted" or "high." It is a good name for a girl who the parents hope will grow up to be successful and respected.

Aisha (lively, wife of the Prophet Muhammad)

Aisha is a popular Muslim girl name that means "lively" or "wife of the Prophet Muhammad." It is a beautiful and meaningful name for a girl who the parents hope will grow up to be kind and compassionate.

Aiza (respected, noble)

Aiza is a Muslim girl name that means "respected" or "noble." It is a good name for a girl who the parents hope will grow up to be admired and respected by others.

Amani (wishes, desires)

Amani is a Muslim girl name that means "wishes" or "desires." It is a good name for a girl who the parents hope will have all of her dreams and wishes come true.

Amira (princess)

Amira is a Muslim girl name that means "princess." It is a beautiful and feminine name for a girl who the parents hope will grow up to be kind and compassionate.

Ayesha (lively, wife of the Prophet Muhammad)

Ayesha is a variant of Aisha, and it has the same meaning. It is a popular Muslim girl name that means "lively" or "wife of the Prophet Muhammad."

Fatima (daughter of the Prophet Muhammad)

Fatima is a popular Muslim girl name that means "daughter of the Prophet Muhammad." It is a beautiful and meaningful name for a girl who the parents hope will grow up to be kind and compassionate.

Fiza (breeze, wind)

Fiza is a Muslim girl name that means "breeze" or "wind." It is a beautiful and feminine name for a girl who the parents hope will be as refreshing and gentle as a breeze.

Hiba (gift)

Hiba is a Muslim girl name that means "gift." It is a good name for a girl who the parents see as a blessing from Allah.

Iman (faith)

Iman is a Muslim girl name that means "faith." It is a good name for a girl who the parents hope will grow up to be a devout Muslim.

Inaaya (care, concern)

Inaaya is a Muslim girl name that means "care" or "concern." It is a good name for a girl who the parents hope will be a kind and compassionate person.

Iqra (read)

Iqra is a Muslim girl name that means "read." It is a good name for a girl who the parents hope will be knowledgeable and educated.

Jannah (paradise)

Jannah is a Muslim girl name that means "paradise." It is a good name for a girl who the parents hope will enter paradise in the afterlife.

Jannat (paradise)

Jannat is a variant of Jannah, and it has the same meaning. It is a popular Muslim girl name that means "paradise."

Khushi (happiness)

Khushi is a Muslim girl name that means "happiness." It is a good name for a girl who the parents hope will live a happy and fulfilling life.

Leyla (night)

Leyla is a Muslim girl name that means "night." It is a beautiful and feminine name for a girl who the parents hope will be as mysterious and enchanting as the night.

Mariam (Mary)

Mariam is a Muslim girl name that is the same as the name Mary in English. It is a beautiful and meaningful name for a girl who the parents hope will be kind and compassionate, like the Virgin Mary.

Maryam (Mary)

Maryam is a variant of Mariam, and it has the same meaning. It is a popular Muslim girl name that is the same as the name Mary in English.

Noor (light)

Noor is a Muslim girl name that means "light." It is a beautiful and feminine name for a girl who the parents hope will be a beacon of light in the world.

Muslim names often draw from the Arabic language and have strong connections to Islamic tradition and history. Many names are associated with important figures in Islamic history, such as the Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions. Names like Amina, Aisha, Ismat, and Maryam carry historical and religious significance, making them popular choices for Muslim parents.

In addition to the meaning and significance of the name, it's important to consider the cultural and familial aspects when choosing a name for your child. Some names may have specific cultural or regional associations, so it's important to select a name that resonates with your family's background and values.

Short Muslim girl names with deep meanings not only have a profound impact on a child's identity but also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation throughout their lives. These names reflect values of faith, virtue, and character, making them a meaningful choice for Muslim families.

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