Cavities Tooth Decay Prevention by Hakeem Munir

Find potent Beauty Tips and Totkay in Urdu to elevate your Cavities Tooth Decay Prevention by Hakeem Munir regimen. Uncover a wealth of invaluable insights, natural remedies, wellness advice, herbal solutions, and easy home remedies tailored for Cavities Tooth Decay Prevention by Hakeem Munir enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in our extensive collection of Beauty Tips and Totkay, meticulously curated to safeguard and enhance your Cavities Tooth Decay Prevention by Hakeem Munir experience. At Hakeem Shah Nazir, we're dedicated to providing you with informative and highly effective tips that cater to your specific needs.

Cavities Tooth Decay Prevention by Hakeem Munir
Posted By: Shahzaib 50581 Views 2 Comments Dec 19, 2017

دانت کی تکلیف کے لیے سب سے بہترین علاج©"لونگ" ہے، دانت کے جس حصے میں تکلیف ہو لونگ کو وہاں دانت میں رکھ لیں اور تھوڑا سا چبائیں، دانت کی تکلیف سے فوری آرام آجائے گا

Many people ask about how to prevent cavity problems. Cavity is caused by not properly brushing your teeth after the meal. Teeth cavity then causes toothache which is very severe and unbearable. Hakeem Munir is telling how to prevent cavities and how to use cloves (laung) to counter this problem.

How to Prevent Teeth Cavities | Danton Ke Dard Ka Totka

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Reviews & Comments

My teeth is loosing plz tell me totka

  • tajammul, Mar 22, 2019

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  • Nosheen, Nov 18, 2015