Banana-Mint Mask for Fairness

Find potent Beauty Tips and Totkay in Urdu to elevate your Banana-Mint Mask for Fairness regimen. Uncover a wealth of invaluable insights, natural remedies, wellness advice, herbal solutions, and easy home remedies tailored for Banana-Mint Mask for Fairness enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in our extensive collection of Beauty Tips and Totkay, meticulously curated to safeguard and enhance your Banana-Mint Mask for Fairness experience. At Dr Khurram Tips, we're dedicated to providing you with informative and highly effective tips that cater to your specific needs.

Banana-Mint Mask for Fairness
Posted By: kiran 91456 Views 6 Comments Nov 04, 2017

پودینہ اور کیلے کا بہترین ماسک جو دے آپ کے چہرے کو نئی تازگی ، پاکستان کے مشہور ڈاکٹر خرم نے یہ ماسک متعارف کروایا جو ہر قسم کی جلد کے لئے کار آمد ہے ۔
بنانے کا طریقہ :
ایک برتن میں ایک کیلے کو میش کرلیں اور تھوڑی میں مقدارمیں چینی بھی شامل کریں ۔
اب کچھ قطرے پودینے کے پانی کے شامل کرلیں ۔
ان دونوں اجزاءکو اچھی طرح سے ملا لیں ۔
اپنے چہرے پر اچھی طرح لگائیں ۔
تھوڑی دیر میں ہلکے گرم پانی سے چہرے کو دھولیں ۔
ہفتے میں دو سے تین بار استعمال کریں ۔

Banana-Mint Mask for Fairness - Here is banana mint maks for skin fairness by Pakistan’s most famous skin specialist Dr Khurram’s. As you know that Dr. Khurram Mushir is the most popular dermatologist of Pakistan and he gives great skin beauty tips for women and men so let’s try this banana mint maks and give your views.
1. Mash 1 banana in a bowl and add enough sugar to desired consistency.
2. Add a few drops of mint for a cooling effect.
3. Mix it together to form a thick paste.
4. Just massage gently on your skin and let it dry.
5. Rinse with warm water.
6. Use on any part of the body that needs to be softened.
7. Use it twice a week for a month for best results. For all skin types.

Homemad Facial Tips

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Reviews & Comments

This tip for fairness of skin I truly loved in light of the fact that the entirety of the fixings are effectively accessible at scraper and very simple approach to apply. Much obliged for sharing.

  • Samira Arsalan, Mar 18, 2020

@ Waqar Iqbal:Nashte main khushk rooti per khalis butter aor honey dal kar khaein. Inshallah jism farba ho ga.

  • Zamir, Nov 07, 2015

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  • saima nauman, Nov 06, 2015