Vegetable Roll Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Vegetable Roll recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Vegetable Roll recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Snacks And Appetizers recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Vegetable Roll recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Vegetable Roll
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ویجیٹیبل رول
رول کی پٹیا ۔۔ دو درجن
گاجر ۔۔ دو عدد
شملہ مرچ ۔۔ دو عدد
ہری پیاز ۔۔ چار عدد
ابلے نودلز ۔۔ ایک کپ
بند گوبھی ۔۔ ایک کپ
کالی مرچ ۔۔ ایک سے آدھا چائے کا چمچ
سرکہ ۔۔ دو کھانے کے چمچ
سویا سوس ۔۔ دو کھانے کے چمچ
کارن فلور ۔۔ دو کھانے کے چمچ
تیل ۔۔ دو کھانے کے چمچ
انڈے کی سفیدی ۔۔۔ دو عدد
بند گوبھی، گاجر، شملہ مرچ اور پیاز کو باریک کاٹ لیں۔ تیل میں فرائی کرلیں۔ نمک، کالی مرچ اور نوڈلز ڈال کر اچھی طرح ملا لیں۔ اب رول کی پٹیوں میں فل کریں۔ انڈے کی سفیدی سے سیل کریں اور تیل میں فرائی کریں۔ ویجیٹیبل رول تیار ہیں۔
Chef Samina Jalil,Posted By: Uzma Malik,

Find out the Vegetable Roll Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Snacks And Appetizers. Vegetable Roll is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Vegetable Roll and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Vegetable Roll

Vegetable rolls are very tasty yet simple to make. You just need some vegetables, raw roll sheet with some spices. The wonderful recipe will serve you with multi purpose snack to eat.

There are hundreds of roll recipes however vegetable rolls lie within the most famous rolls. Vegetable rolls are same as other rolls except the filling stuff. In this recipe, is telling how to prepare the vegetables filling stuff for rolls and then to prepare the rolls. You must like this wonderful recipe.

مزید اسنیکس اینڈ اسٹارٹر ریسیپیز
Reviews & Comments

Now when someone talks to me about cooking and recipes, I tell her about vegetable roll and ask to try it. Then I receive feedback, they then ask for more snack recipes, I got happier seeing their remarks.

  • Lahya, KARACHI

amazing rolls . Lots of uses of vegetables in cooking and foods preparation but we miss a lot of things. This is a good thing to eat if you like something spicy and new. Gonna making these rolls. Need to make 14 rolls for 8 people.

  • Faiza, ISB

hmm full of vitamins and proteins. I must eat this roll regularly to keep myself fit. Looking at the recipe to see if I could make it or not. If easy I will make it everyday. Otherwise send to my younger sister and order her to prepare this roll for me :p

  • Sania, Rawalpindi

oho vegetable to my favorite hai. ye rolls ki recipe ramzan mein mere boht kaam aye gi. mai ne chicken roll to banaye huwe hain wo bhi banane is ramzan me or ye bhi banau ge variety peda karne ke liye . mujhe boht achi lagi ye banane ki tarkeeb

  • Rida, Gujrat

o really thanks for this veg roll . I was looking for exactly the similar recipe . I would eat vegetables this way and also make these wraps for my kids as well. I look for tricks for making children eat vegetables and foods that they normally won't eat and that's why i liked this recipe a lott.

  • Ruby Saleem, Hyderabad