Saloni Chawal

When in need of making something different from everyday cooking, this recipe for Saloni chawal is a perfect fit for you. Saloni chawal is very easy and unique from other recipes and also very scrumptious. Rice should be added to the diet because we need carbohydrates and fats to meet the daily need of nutrients. Saloni chawal is healthier than other rice recipes. Saloni chawal recipe is compiled by Chef Rida Aftab, a well-known Chef all over Pakistan.
Saloni chawal can be served with a variety of dishes. You can serve Saloni chawal with any kind of Chinese sauce of your choice. Why serving only chicken and beef fried rice when you have the delicious recipe of Saloni chawal. Saloni chawal are very healthy, the people on diet can also have Saloni chawal and can make them with brown rice. Saloni chawal is a different kind of rice recipe. You should definitely try this.

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Boiled Rice ½ kg
Cheddar Cheese 1 packet
Boiled Chicken ½ kg
Dried Plum (soaked) 100g
Onions 2
Ginger Garlic 1 tbsp
Round Chopped Tomatoes 250g
Chopped Green Chilies 2 tbsp
Salt 1 tsp
Turmeric Powder 1 tsp
Green Coriander 1 bunch
Oil ½ cup
How to make Saloni Chawal


First heat ½ cup oil and add 2 onions and make them golden brown.
Now add 1 tbsp ginger garlic, 1 tsp salt, 2 tbsp crushed green chilies
Add 1 tsp turmeric and cook it properly.
Now add 250g round chopped tomatoes and 100g dried plum.
Now shred ½ kg chicken and mix it.
Now add 1 bunch green coriander, 1 packet shredded cheddar cheese and ½ kg boiled rice
Put it on simmer for 20 minutes. Saloni rice is ready.
Posted By: Jamaal, Karachi

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