Ragda Patties Recipe in Urdu

Find delicious Ragda Patties recipes in Urdu with our easy-to-cook recipes crafted with our simple cooking tips with proper step-by-step instructions, required ingredients, and cooking time. Ragda Patties recipe is one of the common and most searched dishes in the Iftar Items recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Ragda Patties recipes in Urdu with available user-friendly, procedure instructions in Urdu recipes.

Ragda Patties
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رگڑا پیٹز
آلو ------ چار عدد
نمک ---- آدھا چائے کا چمچ
لال مرچ ---- آدھا چائے کا چمچ
دھنیا ------ ایک چائے کا چمچ (باریک کٹا ہوا)
ہرا پیاز ------ ایک چائے کا چمچ (باریک کٹا ہوا)
بیسن ------ دو کھانے کے چمچ
ثابت زیرہ ------ ایک چائے کا چمچ

اجزاﺀ (رگڑے کے لیے)

املی کا پانی ----- آدھا کپ
چاٹ مصالحہ ----- حسب ضرورت
کابلی چنے ----- دو کپ (ابلے ہوئے)
تیل ----- آدھا کپ
لہسن ------ ایک چائے کا چمچ
ہری مرچ ------ ڈیڑھ کھانے کا چمچ (پسی ہوئی)
زیرہ ------ ایک کھانے کا چمچ
نمک ------ ایک چائے کا چمچ
ہلدی ------ آدھا چائے کا چمچ
بیسن ------ تین چوتھائی کپ

گارنش کے لیے

ہرا پیاز ------ ایک کپ (باریک کٹا ہوا)
دھنیا ----- ایک کپ (باریک کٹا ہوا)
سیو ----- ایک کپ
آلو ابال کر میش کرلیں اور نمک٬ لال مرچ٬ ہرا دھنیا٬ ہرا پیاز٬ بیسن اور زیرہ ڈال کر مکس کرلیں چھوٹی چھوٹی ٹکیہ بنا کر توے پر تھوڑا تیل ڈال کر فرائی کریں اور ہلکی آنچ پر فرائی کر کے اتار لیں-

ایک چوتھائی کپ تیل گرم کریں-
اس میں لہسن ڈالیں اور آنچ ہلکی کردیں-
رگڑنے کے لیے دیا گیا مصالحہ اس میں تیل شامل کر کے اچھی طرح بھونیں-
پھر اس میں بیسن ڈالیں اور لہسن ڈالیں اور چولہا ہلکا کر دیں گولڈن ہونے تک بھونیں پھر پانی ڈال کر چمچہ چلاتے جائیں-
جب اچھی طرح مکس ہوجائے تو کابلی چنے ڈال کر ساتھ ابلنے دیں-
جب رگڑا گاڑھا ہوجائے تو پلیٹ میں آلو کی ٹکیہ رکھیں اور اوپر رگڑا ڈالیں٬ املی کا پانی ڈالیں چاٹ مصالحہ ڈالیں ٬ پیاز ڈالیں٬ دھنیا اور سیؤ ڈال کر سرو کریں-
Posted By: muneeba,

Find out the Ragda Patties Recipe in Urdu this is the most easy and traditional cooking recipe in all the Iftar Items. Ragda Patties is very famous in desi people. At KFoods you can find Ragda Patties and all the urdu recipes in a very easiest way.

Ragda Patties

A ragda patty is a very popular Indian snack. It's recipe is quite interesting too. It involves preparing a special masala which is developed by rubbing the ingredients and then pouring over the patties. Dish consists of ragda (stew made with spices) and patty (cutlet made with potatoes). Make and enjoy this unique delish.

Recipe of Ragda patties is famous worldwide however the origin of this recipe is India. This food is a very famous fast food snack in India especially Mumbai. Many fast food restaurants offer ragra patties in their menu. This recipe is based on two parts, one is the ragda spice and other is the actual patties which are made with potatoes. Patties are served with masala poured on it and then eaten with spoon.

Reviews & Comments

Now when someone talks to me about cooking and recipes, I tell her about ragda patties and ask to try it. Then I receive feedback, they then ask for more recipes, I got happier seeing their remarks.

  • Madihah, Rawalpindi

mujhe waise mazay mazay ki chizen banane ka boht shoq hai or mai nai nai recipes dhundti rehti hoon or ye ragada patties ki recipe bhi mere liye new hai lekin ye boht lambi hai or is ke liye boht sare ingredients chahiye. sochti hoon bananay ka lekin phir sochti hoon ke kuch or bana loon is ka to saman bhi abhi incomplete hai.

  • Noor, Peshawar

I think this recipe is more popular in India than Pakistan as it's not seen very commonly anywhere. May be people might make it at home but never seen it sold it at any restaurants or food spot. Anyway I wouldn't make this long recipe myself. Anyone make and serve me :)

  • Iqra, Lahore

It is the patties that I initially thought as a chaat , then I realized it is a type of patties and so I decided to make it as a challenge. I like doing such cooking adventures as it is my passion. I am happy I got so many interesting recipes that are sometimes entirely unique and I did not find them on any other site.

  • Zehra, Karachi

it is looking as a very interesting recipe. I have never eaten it but I like these kinds of recipes which are full of spices and look like snacks . I mean that they do not require eating with roti. I am trying to understand its procedure. I will try but cannot commit if I could make it.

  • Samreen Niazi, Mianwali