Tip For Gas & Constipation

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Tip For Gas & Constipation
Posted By: Laraib Omer 83513 Views 4 Comments Apr 11, 2013

گیس اور قبض ہونے کی صورت میں پتوں والی مولی شہد کے ساتھ ملا کر کھائیں۔ ایک ہفتے میں ہی گیس اور قبض کی تکلیف سے نجات مل جائے گی

Usually gas and constipation problems occur due to a change in diet or their eating schedules. Here is a wide range of tips to relief you from gas and constipation so let’s try these tips and give your views.
Take 250 gram of unripe carrots and then chew it hard and then eat it in fasting. It will help in constipation.
Take lemon juice with warm water it will make your stool pass easily. Add 12 gram of brown sugar juice and 12 gram lemon juice and drink. It will cure constipation.
Drink Orange juice daily in the morning.
Constipation can be cured by eating fenugreek leaves.
Tomatoes is the best remedy for constipation . It also cleans your intestines and make your system fast.
By drinking Raw Spanish juice. We can cure constipation. It cleans our digestive system.
Constipation can be removed by eating guava. We should eat it before eating our meal because if we eat guava after the meal then it causes constipation. Patient with old constipation can eat guava in every meal. It will cure constipation and you will pass stool easily.
Dates :
Put two dates in the water for a while , then eat them by chewing properly at night. Eat less food. You can use two dates boiled in milk too.
Eat a raw onion , then it will remove constipation.
During eating your meal , eat radish with salt and black pepper. It will remove constipation.
One part of rice, two part of pulses and make its khichdi with ghee. It will remove your constipation.
Take ispaghol with warm milk ,it will make you pass your stool easily.
If you are suffering from temporary constipation then you can use Fig. You can eat Fig simply or you can boil it in milk and use.
Eat cabbage daily. It will remove the old constipation.
Use half glass juice of cauliflower at night . It will remove constipation.
Eat spinach in constipation , it will be very useful.
Grind the neem flower and then eat that powder daily with warm water.
Water Melon:
Water Melon can be used daily in order to remove constipation.

Qabz ka Gharelu Ilaj | Gas Aur Qabz ka Ilaj

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Reviews & Comments

Very use full method , purchase " sana makki" from any jaribooti shop only 30 rupees. These leafs are available in grinded shape also. Take only half tea spoon with water at night before sleep. Insha Allah faida hoga, in some hard condition water can be use in some hot. This is Tib e Nabvi also.

  • M.irfan, Feb 03, 2015

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  • asma, Jul 04, 2014

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  • sana, Jul 03, 2014