Dust Allergy Treatment in Urdu

Find potent Beauty Tips and Totkay in Urdu to elevate your Dust Allergy Treatment in Urdu regimen. Uncover a wealth of invaluable insights, natural remedies, wellness advice, herbal solutions, and easy home remedies tailored for Dust Allergy Treatment in Urdu enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in our extensive collection of Beauty Tips and Totkay, meticulously curated to safeguard and enhance your Dust Allergy Treatment in Urdu experience. At Health Tips and Totkay, we're dedicated to providing you with informative and highly effective tips that cater to your specific needs.

Dust Allergy Treatment in Urdu
Posted By: Hakeem Raza Elahi 6153 Views 0 Comments Jul 31, 2018

جامن کے پتوں سے ڈسٹ الرجی کا آزمودہ علاج

ایسے مردوخواتین جنہیں ڈسٹ الرجی ہو یا الرجک دمہ ہوتو وہ یہ درج ذیل نسخہ کچھ دن استعمال کریں تو انشاء اللہ اس سے نجات مل جائے گی ۔

جامن کے پتے ۔۔۔۔۔آٹھ سے دس عدد( وہ پیلے پتے جو جھڑجاتے ہیں ، خشک حالت میں )
کسی برتن میں پتے شامل کرکے آگ لگا ئیں اور ڈھک دیں۔
راکھ ہو جائے تو نسخہ تیار ہے ۔

روزانہ نہار منہ چوتھائی چائے کا چمچ سادہ پانی کےساتھ پھانک لیں ۔
انشاء اللہ ڈسٹ الرجی سے نجات مل جائے گی ۔

Dust allergy treatment in Urdu

Dust allergy treatment in Urdu – Being a person with dust allergies is not an easy thing. Whether you’re at home or miles away, dust particles are everywhere around you. Even when you just remove a book from the shelf, dust is sure come along with it and makes you sneeze non-stop. Some of the most common symptoms of dust allergies are red on the nose, itchy and watery eyes, wheezing, sneezing; tightness in the chest or shortness of breath, and the famous running nose.
Whether it is the pollen or the dust around your room during winter, each season can bring those annoying allergy triggers. And, with every change of season, you are likely to get uncontrollable sneezing and coughing. Luckily, there are countless remedies like the one provided below to help you treat your allergies in a jippy!

Treatment of dust allergies:

Such patients, who have allergies or allergic asthma, are at a major risk of breathing problems which can cause death. Use the following prescription for a few days, and then if God wills, you will be able to prevent it.

Black Plum Leaves..... Eight to ten pieces (dried yellow leaves)

Add the leaf to a utensil, start the stove under it and cover the utensil with a lid. The prescription is ready when it is dry.
Make into a powder and add quarter teaspoon of the powder in a glass of water.
InshaAllah you will be able to prevent your allergies.

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