دار چینی سے چیونٹیاں بھگانے کا آسان گھریلو ٹوٹکہ

چیونٹیوں کی وجہ تقریباً ہم سب ہی پریشان ہوتے ہیں اور انہیں گھر سے بھگانے کے لیے مختلف ادویات کا استعمال کرتے ہیں جو کہ صحت کے لیے نقصان دہ ثابت ہوسکتی ہیں۔ اگر ہم اپنے گھر سے چیونٹیوں کو بھگانے کے لیے دارچینی کا استعمال کریں تو اس مشکل سے چھٹکارا پا سکتے ہیں۔

دارچینی میں موجود اجزاء کی وجہ سے چیونٹیوں کو آپس میں بات چیت کرنے میں مشکل ہوتی ہے جس کی وجہ سے وہ گھر میں داخل نہیں ہوتیں۔ماہرین کا کہنا ہے کہ چیونٹیوں کی سونگھنے کی حس بہت تیز ہوتی ہے اور دارچینی میں یہ خصوصیت موجود ہے کہ یہ ان کی سونگھنے کی حس کو متاثر کرتی ہے۔دارچینی کی خوشبو چینٹیوں کی حس کو بری طرح خراب کرتی ہے اور وہ گھرمیں داخل نہیں ہوپاتیں۔آپ کو چاہیے کہ جہاں چیونٹیوں کو بھگانا چاہئیں وہاں دارچینی کے پاؤڈر کا چھڑکاؤ کردیں، وہ وہاں سے بھاگ جائیں گی۔

Tags: Getting Rid of Ants Indoors Ants Se Chutkara

Home Remedies Ants House

Discover a variety of Tips and Totkay articles on our page, including topics like Home Remedies Ants House and other health issues. Get detailed insights and practical tips for Home Remedies Ants House to help you on your journey to a healthier life. Our easy-to-read content keeps you informed and empowered as you work towards a better lifestyle.

By Farhan Javed  |   In Tips and Totkay  |   17 Comments   |   120283 Views   |   13 Sep 2018

Disclaimer: All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The data information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, which is gathered from different sources but might have some errors. KFoods.com is not responsible for errors or omissions. Doctors and Hospital officials are not necessarily required to respond or go through this page.

About the Author:

Farhan Javed is a content writer with expertise in publishing news articles with strong academic background. Farhan Javed is dedicated content writer for news and featured content especially food recipes, daily life tips & tricks related topics and currently employed as content writer at kfoods.com.

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COMMENTS | ASK QUESTION (Last Updated: 04 March 2025)

Any remedy for lizards 🦎

  • ,

I followed this remedy when I had problems with ants in my house and this home remedies for ants in house has been very effective! I am very happy and relieved.

  • Namerah, islamabad


  • Aijaz Ali Keerio, Sakrand

very Nice Tips Ihop

  • Ashraf Uddin Ali, Karachi

I like all the tips.it is looking v useful..nd I will surely try it at my home..bcs im very fed up and i wanna gt rid of big black ants...

  • sam, lahore

do we need to change cucumber peel everyday? We use cucumbers but not on daily basis and it will be difficult to arrange fresh peels everyday . Can we use same peel for 3 days or at least 2 days?

  • Nida Samar, Abu Dhabi

Khatmal khatam karne k koi asan sa hal

  • HAROON rasheed , Dubai

Thanks for these things. I have taken action for ants and got them removed. Now too relax! But now there are so many small cockroaches (til chatte). Please give me tips for them as well. I kill them but they are not reduced in number. still they are many and seems they are still increasing.

  • Bushra Akmal, Lahore

I don't know exactly the type of ants but they are large size black . Once I bought a tube but it didn't work. From that I day I don't trust on those tubes. The methods you gave contain mint which is easy for me so I will try that one.

  • Rohaila, KHI

ants are always making problems. thanks to kfoods for these useful tips. i do not trust on this and that products . they never work. if some product works , it is very costly. can give these remedies a try. sure!

  • Abbas, Rawalpindi

sometimes there are small ants and sometimes there are big ants . both are very problematic and make so much annoyance. i brought some injection but they also do not seem to work. hope these tips would.

  • Khalid Salem, Karachi

houseflies keep annoying me. it's winter and i do not run fans and then flies come to annoy me. and when i run the fan, i feel cold. what should i do, is there any thing exactly to remove flies?

  • Neena, Islamabad

mint and vinegar are very easy for me. I always have these things in my kitchen and so I can use them for removing ants. thanks for the tips kfood. Also give me some tips to remove bugs from my garden.

  • Shabana,

amazing post. that is I was actually looking for. there are many ants in my bungalow. I am ok with ants if they are in lawn but I can't bear them in my porch and rooms. I will pick the easiest of your given tips.

  • Maiza Shaikh, KHI

nice tips for ants. i get annoyed with ants they enter in kitchen and make problem. I have been using different anti bug products but they work temporarily . as you stop using them, ants will come again.

  • Uzair Ali, Rawalpindi

your remedies are always helpful. Thank s for giving in Urdu too. I will send show it to my mommy . she reads Urdu. thanks and good evening. Jasim

  • Jasim, Lahore

Nice ur advice thanku.best regurds all staff.

  • kaiser, new mumbai nerul

دار چینی سے چیونٹیاں بھگانے کا آسان گھریلو ٹوٹکہ

دار چینی سے چیونٹیاں بھگانے کا آسان گھریلو ٹوٹکہ ہر کسی کے لیے جاننا ضروری ہیں کیونکہ یہ ایک اہم معلومات ہے۔ دار چینی سے چیونٹیاں بھگانے کا آسان گھریلو ٹوٹکہ سے متعلق تفصیلی معلومات آپ کو اس آرٹیکل میں بآسانی مل جائے گی۔ ہمارے پیج پر کھانوں، مصالحوں، ادویات، بیماریوں، فیشن، سیلیبریٹیز، ٹپس اینڈ ٹرکس، ہربلسٹ اور مشہور شیف کی بتائی ہوئی ہر قسم کی ٹپ دستیاب ہے۔ مزید لائف ٹپس، صحت، قدرتی اجزاء اور ماڈرن ریمیڈی کے فوڈز میں موجود ہے۔