Pehawari salan
Find easy and simple Pehawari salan Recipe with a fusion of traditional and contemporary flavors. Pehawari salan is a common dish to find in Pakistani Recipes category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Pehawari salan recipe with available user-friendly instructions in English Recipes.
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Boneless meat slices ½ kg
Onion 2-3
Medium, sliced
Ghee 2 cups
Potato 2-3
Tomatoes 2-3
Ginger/ garlic 2 tsp
Red chilli powder 1 tsp
Spring onion 2-3 chopped
Turmeric powder 1 tsp
Salt as required
Black pepper powder as required
Yoghurt 3 cups
How to make Pehawari salan
Add all the spices in yoghurt add this yoghurt mixture in meat and marinate for an hour now in a oven- proof dish. Put a little ghee spread meat piece. Then place vegetable and spread meat piece spinkle salt and pepper on top. Now spread remaining ghee and little water on top for meat to tenderize. Bake in an over at 180 C till meat and vegetable tenderize.
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AARÓN , islamabad