Judy's Gazpacho
Find easy and simple Judy's Gazpacho Recipe with a fusion of traditional and contemporary flavors. Judy's Gazpacho is a common dish to find in Memory Boosting Foods category. Enhance your cooking journey and enjoy creating Judy's Gazpacho recipe with available user-friendly instructions in English Recipes.
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1 onion(s), medium, sliced
1 cucumber(s), sliced
1 pepper(s), green, bell, sliced
1 clove(s) garlic
4 cup(s) juice, tomato, low-sodium
1/4 cup(s) vinegar, red wine
1/4 cup(s) oil, olive
1/4 teaspoon salt, Kosher
1/8 teaspoon pepper, red ground
How to make Judy's Gazpacho
In a food processor or blender, purée the onion, cucumber, bell pepper, garlic, and 1 cup of the tomato juice.
Transfer to a large bowl and add the remaining 3 cups tomato juice, vinegar, olive oil, salt, and red pepper. Prepare the gazpacho a day in advance and refrigerate.
Serve chilled.
Optional: garnish each serving with a dollop or swirl of fat-free or reduced-fat sour cream and additional chopped onion, cucumber, and pepper.
Posted By:
Mahnoor Baloch, Gujrawala