Pakistani Actress Baby Girl Names

If you're seeking inspiration for baby girl names, Pakistani actresses offer a wealth of elegant and culturally rich options. Here are some names that have been chosen by Pakistani actresses for their daughters:

Pakistani Actress Baby Girl Names


This name has gained popularity in Pakistan, and actress Ayeza Khan chose it for her daughter. It exudes simplicity and grace.


Meaning 'light' or 'radiance,' Noor is a timeless and elegant choice. Actress Noor Bukhari selected this name for her daughter.


A name with deep Islamic roots, Fatima is a popular choice among Pakistani families. Actress Sarwat Gillani named her daughter Fatima, reflecting a connection to Prophet Muhammad's family.


Meaning 'hope' or 'aspiration,' Amal is a name that carries a positive and uplifting vibe. Actress Aamina Sheikh chose this name for her daughter.


A unique and melodious choice, Miraal is a name that stands out. Actress Sarah Khan named her daughter Miraal, adding a touch of modernity to traditional roots.


This name, chosen by actress Arij Fatyma for her daughter, is a beautifully crafted choice. Aizah conveys a sense of uniqueness and charm.


Actress Ayeza Khan named her daughter Hoorain, a name that means 'beautiful eyes' or 'beautiful angel.' It radiates a sense of beauty and purity.


Actress Ayeza Khan also chose the name Anaya for her daughter. Anaya means 'care' or 'protection,' making it a name filled with love and nurturing connotations.

These names not only carry cultural significance but also showcase the diverse and beautiful choices made by Pakistani actresses for their daughters. Whether you're drawn to classic names like Noor and Fatima or more modern options like Miraal and Anaya, each name reflects a unique blend of tradition and personal preference.

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